Public defence: Kjersti Isaksen

The public defence for Kjersti Isaksens’ doctoral thesis takes place at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Friday, December 8, 2023.

Portraitpicture of Kjersti Isaksen
Photo: Privat

The title of the thesis is: «Samarbeidsdrevet innovasjon er løsningen – hva er problemet? – en utforskende studie av et forsøk på samarbeidsdrevet innovasjon i møtet mellom en kommune og sosiale entreprenører». 

  • Place: Auditorium G, campus Lillehammer
  • The trial lecture starts 10.15 AM. Theme: «Beskriv faktorer som hemmer og fremmer samarbeidsdrevet innovasjon fra ulike teoretiske perspektiver eller fagområder, som for eksempel offentlig administrasjon, generell ledelse (management), tjenesteledelse og sosial innovasjon. Drøft likheter og forskjeller mellom faktorene innenfor de ulike perspektivene/fagområdene.»
  • The public defense starts 12.15 PM

The evaluation committee:

  • First opponent: Professor Eric Breit, Norwegian Business School
  • Second opponent: Associate professor Camilla Camén, Karlstad University
  • Chair of the evaluation committee: Associate professor Roald Undlien, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Chair of the public defence: Dean Marit Roland, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Main supervisor: Professor emeritus Rolf Rønning, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Co-supervisor: Associate professor Siv Magnussen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Any opponents ex auditorio must sign up during the break between first and second opponent. Please notify the chair during the break. Opponent ex auditorio may present the contribution after the second opponent. Such contributions must be well prepared and precisely formulated and be submitted within a time frame of maximum 10 minutes.

Tags: public defence
Published Nov. 6, 2023 1:08 PM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2023 3:06 PM