Public defence: Stefanie Gesierich

The public defence for Stefanie Gesierichs’ doctoral thesis takes place at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Friday, December 1, 2023.

Photo: Privat

The title of the thesis is: «Investigating co-creation in public service innovation contexts – a configurational approach».

  • Place: Auditorium G, campus Lillehammer. The public defence will be streamed on zoom
  • Zoom-link: (Webinar ID: 69970335006. Password: 431350)
  • The trial lecture starts 10.15 AM - Title: “Studying co-creation empirically: Some methodological reflections on opportunities and challenges with quantitative versus qualitative methods.”  
  • The public defence starts 12.15 PM

The evaluation committee:

  • First opponent: Associate professor Fadi Hirzalla, Erasmus University Rotterdam
  • Second opponent: Professor Asbjørn Røiseland, Oslo Metropolitan University 
  • Chair of the evaluation committee: Associate professor Marit Engen, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Chair of the public defence: Vice-Dean for research Anstein Gregersen, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Main supervisor: Associate professor Anne Jørgensen Nordli, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Co-supervisors: Associate professor Maria Røhnebæk, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Professor Martin Rønningen, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and Professor Gudbrand Lien, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Ex auditorio:

Any opponents ex auditorio must sign up during the break between first and second opponent. Please notify the chair during the break. Opponent ex auditorio may present the contribution after the second opponent. Such contributions must be well prepared and precisely formulated and be submitted within a time frame of maximum 10 minutes.


Tags: public defence
Published Oct. 27, 2023 10:57 AM - Last modified Dec. 4, 2023 3:06 PM