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Roles and committees at INSEPP

The R&D Committee at the Faculty
The R&D Committee at the Faculty is a strategic, coordinating and advisory committee to the Vice-Dean of Research on matters relating to R&D activities at the Faculty. The Committee will also advise on the distribution of doctoral scholarships at the program. The PhD leader and the representative of the PhD candidates at the Faculty are members of the R&D Committee.


The PhD Committee at INSEPP

The PhD Committee at the Faculty is an advisory committee to the Dean in matters relating to general academic decisions and the content of PhD programmes in particular. The Committee is responsible for ensuring that the training part of PhD programmes and doctoral theses corresponds to high academic levels of training and according to international standards.

The PhD committee at INSEPP consists of these members:

  • Professor and PhD leader Martin Rønningen (committee leader)
  • Vice-Dean of research Anstein Gregersen
  • Associate professor Mary Ann Stamsø, Department of Business Administration
  • Associate professor Gabriel Linton, Department of Organisation, Leadership and Management, CREDS
  • PhD candidate Synne Bråten, INSEPP


  • Professor Annette Risberg, Department of Organisation, Leadership and Management
  • Professor Mass Soldal Lund, Department of Organisation, Leadership and Management
  • Associate professor Andreas Brekke Carlsson, Department of Law
  • Associate professor Kjell Tore Hovik, Department of Psychology
  • PhD candidate Kelvin Owusu, INSEPP

PhD coordinator Randi Kvamme Bjørnestad is the committees secretary.

The PhD committee functions as a study programme committee in accordance with the work of quality system for education.

Read more about the mandate of PhD Committee


The leader group at INSEPP

The Ieader group at INSEPP consists of the PhD leader and two academic employees representing the academic environment as well as the PhD coordinators at the programme. The members of the leader group support the PhD leader in the daily chores, including follow-up of PhD candidates and the planning of academic and social activities as part of the programme.

Trond Nilsen and Marit Engen are academic employees at the Faculty and are part of the leader group at INSEPP.


Dean at the Faculty: 
The Dean has the overall responsibility for the development of the PhD programme at the Faculty. For the PhD programme, the Dean is responsible for drawing up responses to periodic programme evaluation reports. 

Marit Roland is the Dean at the Inland School of Business and Social Sciences.


Vice-Dean of Research: 
The Vice-Dean of Research is responsible for ensuring a comprehensive approach to and prioritisation of research at the Faculty, as well as promoting a strong research culture with research groups that collaborate regionally, nationally and internationally.  The Vice-Dean of Research serves as the Chair of the R&D Committee at the Faculty and as a representative in the PhD Committee.

Anstein Gregersen is the Vice-Dean at the Inland School of Business and Social Sciences.


PhD leader: 
The PhD leader is responsible for the PhD programme and has the overall responsibility for the quality and academic content of the PhD programmes offered to candidates.

The PhD leader ensures that academic supervision functions as intended and is responsible for implementing any improvements adopted by the PhD Committee. The PhD leader will ensure that there is an elected representative of the PhD candidates in place at all times. 

Martin Rønningen is the PhD leader at INSEPP.


Academic Supervisor for PhD Candidates:
The main academic supervisor has the main academic responsibility for the candidates and is normally employed at the university. The PhD Regulations and Guidelines INSEPP contains further information regarding academic supervision. 


PhD Candidates:
PhD candidates must familiarise themselves with the laws, regulations and guidelines applicable to themselves as students and employees at the university.

All PhD candidates are expected to participate actively in the evaluation of courses, the PhD programme and the learning environment. 


Elected Representative:
The elected representative is the PhD candidates’ representative in the PhD Committee, as well as other meeting venues in the PhD programmes, and acts as the voice of the candidates in ongoing quality efforts. The elected representative will communicate the candidates’ views on the PhD programme and represent candidates in matters that are discussed. The elected representative contributes by providing feedback about courses or lecturers, etc. and can raise larger, more fundamental issues with the PhD Committee.  

The elected representative will gain knowledge of the personal circumstances of others and is therefore subject to the duty of confidentiality requirements arising from Section 13 of the Norwegian Public Administration Act.  

Synne Bråten is the elected representative for INTSEPP PhD candidates for the academic year 2023/2024.

Kelvin Owusu is the substitute for the academic year 2023/2024.


PhD coordinator:
The PhD coordinator is responsible for the daily coordinating together with the PhD leader, and is the point of contact for PhD candidates in the event of any questions. The PhD Coordinator also serves as the Secretary of the INSEPP PhD Committee.

Randi Kvamme Bjørnestad is the PhD coordinator at INSEPP.

Birgit Rønningen is the PhD coordinator at INSEPP (30%).

Last modified Aug. 24, 2023 2:31 PM