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Guidelines for joint degree collaboration and cotutelle agreements at PhD level

Adopted by the University College Board on 9 March 2023 (case 12/23)

The guidelines are based on the:


What is a joint degree?

A joint degree/programme means that two or more institutions jointly initiate a PhD programme leading to a single joint degree. The institutions are jointly responsible for admissions, supervision and awarding degrees. A joint degree is the most integrated form of educational co-operation. The cooperation is normally organised in a consortium and is regulated by an agreement between the consortium participants.

What is a cotutelle agreement/double degree?

Cotutelle means joint supervision of a PhD candidate, normally at two institutions. It is an agreement for joint supervision at PhD level that includes the candidate receiving a diploma from both institutions entering into the agreement. Cotutelle agreements can also be referred to as double-degree co-operation.

HINN has three "levels" of joint degree co-operation and cotutelle agreements

Internationally, there is no standardised terminology for levels 1, 2 or 3.  HINN's definitions can be used as a starting point for discussions to develop a common understanding and definitions with potential partner institutions.

Level 1 – Degree awarded by one institution

The simplest form of cooperation on PhD education is level 1, because the cooperation does not need to be formalised through a written agreement on degree cooperation. Level 1 may be the solution if the institutions cannot agree on the conditions for awarding a double degree (level 2) or joint degree (level 3).

There may be an existing research collaboration between HINN and another institution, and PhD candidates may benefit from the expertise of another institution, but this does not require an institutionalised, long-term academic collaboration. For example, the PhD candidate may have an appointed co-supervisor at an external institution and may stay there for short periods.

The candidate is enrolled in a PhD programme at one of the institutions. The diploma and the Diploma Supplement must list all the supervisors.

Level 2 – Cotutelle agreement/double degree – Joint PhD supervision

Level 2 is a formalised degree cooperation with foreign institutions, where joint supervision of PhD candidates is an important tool for establishing international cooperation and mobility. A Level 2 agreement should provide added value for individual candidates and supervisors and their academic communities. It can contribute to the development of long-term, stable and good professional relationships.

The Cotutelle agreement shall be individual and concluded between two cooperating institutions, the PhD candidate and the PhD candidate's supervisors. The Cotutelle agreement will ensure that both institutions' requirements for the PhD degree are met.

The candidate will be admitted to a PhD programme at both institutions and will have at least one supervisor at each institution. The candidate should have a minimum stay of one semester at both institutions and access to a workplace, laboratory facilities and other relevant infrastructure at each institution.

The PhD thesis shall normally be written and defended in English, unless otherwise agreed. The thesis should bear the logo of both institutions.

Each institution will award its own PhD degree to the candidate based on a single public defence. For the public presentation of the thesis, the rules of the institution where the public defence takes place must be followed.

Upon completion of the PhD programme, the candidate receives a diploma from each of the institutions and the cooperation relationship is stated on the diplomas.

Both institutions shall have the right to use the thesis and its results in their education, training and research.


Level 3 – Joint PhD programme (joint degree)

Level 3 is a further development of already strong academic links between two or more institutions with an expressed desire to work closely together on a joint programme. The different traditions, standards and formal regulations of the institutions must be reconciled in the development of a joint degree.

A joint degree at PhD level is an integrated form of collaboration, where two or more institutions come together to provide a joint PhD programme. This option requires a high degree of integration. PhD candidates are admitted to a joint PhD programme and the institutions share responsibility for all aspects of education and supervision. A programme board with representatives from the institutions is established and is responsible for academic cooperation, admissions, supervision and degree awarding. In the case of joint degrees, the candidate may receive a diploma from each institution or a joint diploma.


Principles for degree collaboration at PhD level at HINN

In addition to what is described under the three levels of joint degree co-operation and cotutelle agreements, the following principles apply:

  • Degree cooperation at PhD level meets the same expectations for professional quality, relevance and demand as other education programmes. Development and approval of degree cooperation at PhD level follows the ordinary procedures and deadlines for establishing educations.
  • The eligibility requirements for admission, the requirement that the thesis be publicly available and the requirement for a public defence with an impartial assessment committee cannot be waived.
  • HINN shall ensure that degree collaboration at PhD level is sufficiently embedded at all levels of the organisation.
  • Joint degree programmes at PhD level may be appropriate in disciplines where cooperation is necessary to ensure stable and attractive educational programmes.
  • Joint degrees at PhD level can be created within subject areas where such collaboration will provide a special academic added value, which requires a well-thought-out choice of collaboration forms and partners. These may be subject areas where HINN has particularly strong research environments and where HINN, in collaboration with selected partners, can offer good programmes.

Specific procedures for the conclusion of cotutelle agreements

For supervisors contacted about cotutelle agreements

1. Supervisors contact departmental and faculty management to ensure support for the possible conclusion of a co-operation agreement with the institution in question.

2. The faculty administration is responsible for negotiating the administrative aspects of the agreement. The faculty administration contacts the central Research Department at HINN to ensure that the collaboration is supported by the Pro-Rector for Research.

3. The principal supervisor, who can provide valuable insights, is kept informed of the negotiations.


For faculty administration for the follow-up of cotutelle agreements

1. One of the institutions' standard agreement templates should be used, but both institutions' co-operation requirements must be met.

2. The PhD regulations regulate joint degrees and cotutelle agreements, specifying which requirements can be negotiated in the agreements and which requirements cannot be waived. These requirements should be communicated to the other institution as soon as possible.

3. When the faculty has negotiated the agreement, , the Research Department at HINN will quality assure the agreement and prepare a brief report on whether the agreement is in accordance with the PhD regulations and the adopted guidelines for joint degrees and cotutelle agreements at HINN.

4. The faculty administration obtains signatures from the PhD candidate, supervisors and dean.

5. The Research Department centrally presents the agreement to the rector, who signs the agreement.

6. The finalised agreement is sent to the parties involved and archived.

7. The faculty registers the PhD candidate as a cotutelle candidate in FS.

8. The Department of Education centrally reports cotutelle co-operation agreements through Directorate for Higher Education and Skills reporting twice a year.


Requirements for the cotutelle agreement for each PhD candidate

The individual agreement for the PhD candidate shall contain at least the following elements:

  • Duration of the agreement and possibility of renewal.
  • PhD thesis title, language and form.
  • Names of supervisors at the respective institutions.
  • The candidate's period of residence at the respective institutions.
  • Financing in connection with the candidate's stay and public defence.
  • Plan for access to the necessary infrastructure.
  • Venue for the public defence.
  • Composition of the evaluation committee.
  • Rights to results.
  • Awarding of degrees, diplomas.
  • A cotutelle agreement must be signed by the supervisors, dean, PhD candidate and rector of both institutions.





Published Apr. 21, 2023 12:11 PM - Last modified Apr. 21, 2023 12:11 PM