Norwegian version of this page

Printing of thesis

The thesis must be printed and publicly available no later than two weeks before the public defence. This means that you must prepare the thesis for printing as soon as you have received a positive recommendation from the evaluation committee.

Copyright clearance

If you have published parts of the thesis before, you must produce a copyright clearance of rights of the relevant parts/articles for publication, in print and digitally in Brage. Contact the Library at your campus.

It is the same thesis that has been approved by the evaluation committee that is to be used as the basis for the public defence and sent for printing. It is only possible to correct formal errors that have been approved by the PhD committee prior to the committee's recommendation. Read more about errata list here.

This also applies if, after submission, you are notified that an article has been accepted or published by a publisher/journal, but in a revised form. Nevertheless, it is the submitted article text that the committee has assessed, which must be in the thesis that is printed for the public defence. If you receive the message in time, you can state briefly (one sentence) in the thesis' introduction/cover text that the article, possibly in a revised form, has been published after submission for assessment.


If you did not use INN University's thesis template upon submission, you should do so now to make sure that the thesis is in an approved format and in accordance with INN University's regulations.

Read the instructions for layout of the PhD thesis carefully.

Ordering printing of thesis

Ordering printing of the thesis is done through the faculty. When your thesis has been approved, you will be sent a form for printing by the PhD coordinator of your programme. This should be filled in and sent back to the PhD coordinator together with the thesis within a specified deadline (24 working days prior to the defence).

If you have written a monograph, the thesis must be submitted as one PDF file.

If you have written an article-based thesis and have already published, articles are to be included in their published form (as a PDF), you can submit the thesis as several PDF files.

Use the following layout and file name:

  • Phd_lastname_cover - this file includes summary, preface, table of contents, cover, bibliography and list of articles
  • Phd_lastname_article1 - the article in its published form
  • Phd_lastname_article2 - the article in its published form
  • Etc.

The printing company will insert separator sheets between the articles.

The PhD coordinator makes the order for the printing. 1-3 days after the thesis is received at the printing house, you will receive an email with a read-through file that must be approved by you. The thesis will not be printed until it has been approved.

The faculty orders 45 copies of the doctoral thesis, of which 7-10 are for compulsory submission to the faculty, the evaluation committee and the Library. The remaining copys of the thesis are received at the faculty. About 20 copies will be presented at the public defence, while 15 will be given to you. If you want to order more copies for your own use, please state this when you send the thesis for printing. You will have to pay for these extra copies yourself. Ordering is done when you send the thesis for printing. Your additional copies will be delivered together with INN University's copies.

PhD theses at INN University are made publicly available in the science archive Brage, unless there are specific reasons for not doing so.

Dissemination of PhD Thesis

INN University ensures that the time and place of the public defence is announced in good time together with information on how the thesis will be published. Once you have received the announcement about the doctoral examination (trial lecture and public defence), you must fill out the form for popular scientific summary that you should send to the communication department at INN University and the PhD coordinator at your programme, within three weeks prior to the defence. The summary must be submitted in Norwegian and English since your research work must be disseminated on both INN University's Norwegian and English-language web pages.

Useful links

How to write a popular scientific summary

Form for dissemination of PhD Thesis


Last modified Feb. 9, 2023 10:50 AM