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Completion grant

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University)offers completion grants for Ph.D. candidates who submit their doctoral thesis within the stipulated time frame.

A completion grant entails an offer of extended employment following the submission of the doctoral thesis. You can apply for a completion grant for up to three months.

During the grant period, which begins once the Ph.D. period is completed and you have submitted the thesis, you will be assigned tasks associated with the faculty. These tasks should contribute further to your qualifications for first competence, such as scientific publishing, research dissemination, work on the development of externally funded projects, or tasks related to ongoing research and development projects. Other competence enhancement activities, such as courses in Higher Education pedagogy or project management, are also included.

Who can apply?

The scheme includes all Ph.D. candidates at HINN who submit their thesis within the stipulated time. The stipulated time is three years, plus any approved extensions of the fellowship period, such as 25% teaching/work duty or others based on legally granted leaves and sick leave, in accordance with the Regulations for the degree of Doctor Philosophiae (Ph.D.) at the INN University § 5-5. Completion grants are awarded only once and cannot be extended.

How do I apply for a completion grant?

If you believe that you will be able to submit your thesis within the PhD period and want to apply for a completion grant, you must notify your department and PhD programme in writing, no later than 4 months before the planned submission. If you plan to submit before 01.02.2022, you are exempt from the notification deadline.

If you have taken statutory leave or other forms of leave from work that entitles you to an extension, this must be processed by the HR department so that it is included in the faculty’s estimated end date. The application for completion grant must be prepared in cooperation with your leader/department head and state what tasks you will be assigned during the grant period. The application must be submitted on a separate form (under preparation) and sent to the PhD coordinator at your faculty no later than 6 weeks prior to submitting the doctoral thesis. The application must be signed by you, your main supervisor and the department head. The application is first considered by the faculty before a recommendation is sent to the Inn University’s Appointments Committee for decision.

Approval of completion grants are always contingent on the dissertation being submitted on time. If you do not submit the dissertation within a reasonable time (a delay of max. 14 calendar days is permitted), the completion grant will be withdrawn.

Application for Completion grant

Work during the scholarship period

The scholarship period begins when the ordinary PhD period is over and the dissertation has been submitted. Before the scholarship period begins, the candidate and the faculty must enter into a written agreement on the content of the work. The work must be professionally relevant and meritorious.

If your dissertation is approved during the scholarship period, the faculty must facilitate preparations for the trial lecture and disputation. The granted completion grant will not be withdrawn if your doctoral dissertation is rejected or you have to rework it, but neither does this provide the basis to apply for an extension of the completion grant period.

If you are employed in a PhD position at INN University, the grant is provided as an extension of the employment period. If you have permanent employment as lecturer or the similar, the completion grant entails that you will be allocated working time for the research assignments applied for. If you are not employed at INN University, the completion grant is paid as a one or two lump sum payment(s) for the period, and you will be granted access to the necessary infrastructure such as a workplace, PC and library services.

Contact information

Picture of Marte Tøndel
Research Director
+47 62 43 04 38
Content manager: Research department Last modified Feb. 21, 2024 1:07 PM