Norwegian version of this page

Checklist for submission of thesis

Two months prior to submission, please notify your PhD programme of the planned date for submission of the thesis. The Faculty will then appoint an evaluation committee.

Prior to Submission of the Thesis

  • Approval of the coursework/taught component
    • The coursework/taught component must be approved before the thesis is submitted for evaluation.
  • Comments on the proposed committee’s composition
    • After you have been informed of the proposed evaluation committee, you have one week to submit any comments you might have regarding the composition of the evaluation committee.
  • Has the thesis undergone a thorough review in terms of language and layout?
  • Scientific summary of the thesis in Norwegian and English, approx. one page each.

When Submitting the Thesis

After Submission, While Waiting for the Assessment

Approval for Public Defence

For more detailed information, please refer to the PhD handbook and information on thesis printing.



Published Sep. 28, 2023 11:23 AM - Last modified Sep. 28, 2023 11:31 AM