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Guide to the Errata List

After the thesis has been submitted for evaluation, there are limited opportunities to make changes to it. However, you can apply to correct formal errors in the thesis after it has been submitted. These corrections are done using an errata list.

The reason why one can only correct formal errors after the thesis has been submitted is to assure that the final printed version of thesis is the same as the one found worthy of defence by the assessment committee and the faculty. This does not mean that small corrections or alterations cannot be made.

Permissible alterations must be of a technical nature. You are allowed to correct spelling errors, missing punctuation, incorrect citations, or missing or incorrect references. It is also permissible to create indexes, which are added after the thesis text.

The errata list over all the changes that have been made must be submitted to the PhD programme no later than four weeks before the assessment committee’s deadline. The list should be sent to the PhD Coordinator or the Faculty’s research administration.

Example of an errata list layout

This is an example of an errata list
This is an example of an erreta list
Published Sep. 28, 2023 10:44 AM - Last modified Nov. 9, 2023 10:06 AM