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Stay abroad for PhD candidates

All PhD candidates are encouraged to partake in a stay abroad during their doctoral education, as part of data collection or fieldwork related to their thesis, or to receive supervision and other academic follow-up at another university.

INN University encourages you as a PhD candidate to orientate yourself internationally. International experience and networking are crucial for future opportunities for appointment in an academic position and for opportunities for external project funding. A research stay abroad can also give new impetus to the work on your thesis. The institution and the relevant academic environment should be chosen carefully, and in cooperation with your supervisor, in order for the stay to be professionally advantageous and relevant.

The most common types of stays abroad for PhD candidates are:

  • Stay as a visiting researcher
  • Participation in conferences
  • Participation in courses and seminars
  • Fieldwork

You should discuss with your supervisor when to plan for overseas stays.

Financial support for research stays abroad

It is most desirable that funding for stays abroad should be clarified at the time of admission (usually operating funds). However, the development of the project may change the need for new and longer stays abroad that were not included in the funding plan. There are several support schemes for stays abroad, and it is expected that the PhD candidate adopts a proactive attitude towards financing stays abroad.

You should also contact the R&D advisor at your faculty to find out if there are any local mobility schemes at INN University.


It is also possible for PhD candidates to travel through Erasmus +. The application procedures for exchange may be different for PhD candidates, from those applicable to lower level students or for academic staff in permanent positions.  You should therefore contact the International Office or R&D advisor at your faculty if you consider a stay abroad under an exchange agreement.

PhD candidates appointed to projects funded by the Research Council of Norway must apply for a Personal Overseas Research Grant there.

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Last modified Jan. 30, 2023 2:15 PM