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The PhD thesis

The thesis should be an independent, scientific work that complies with international standards regarding ethical requirements, academic level and methodology in the field of study.

PhD candidates must familiarize themselves with the requirements for the thesis as stipulated in the PhD Regulations § 10 and the supplementary guidelines of the relevant PhD programme. It should also be stated in the thesis that all work related to it has been done in accordance with the National ethical guidelines for research, and whether it has been reported to the data protection officer at NSD. 

Notification duty at NSD

It may also be useful to look at guidelines to the work of the evaluation committee

The PhD candidate may choose to present the research results in the form of a unified work (monograph), or as a compilation of several smaller works (article-based thesis). If the thesis consists of several smaller works, the connection between the works should be clarified in an introductory chapter (“kappe” in Norwegian). See the PhD programme's supplementary guidelines for your PhD programme's guidelines for PhD theses.

There are also strict formal requirements for doctoral theses and you must demonstrate that you master all formal requirements for academic texts – from information on the front page, to the table of contents and the bibliography. Here you will find more information about the layout of the PhD thesis


In article-based theses it is common to have co-authors for one or more of the articles. In such cases, the PhD candidate must comply with the norms for co-authorship that are widely accepted in the relevant discipline and comply with international standards. When the thesis is submitted for assessment, co-authorship must be documented with a signed statement describing the candidate's contribution to each work.

Read about  Co-authorship at the Norwegian National Research Ethics Committees’ website.


The thesis should normally be written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish or English. If the candidate wishes to use another language, permission must be sought separately upon admission.

Last modified Jan. 30, 2023 2:58 PM