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Primary school teachers and technology

Minttu Johler has studied how primary school teachers experience their role in technology-rich learning environments and how they exercise this role in their pedagogical practice. On 15 December she will defend her thesis.

Portrait photo of Minttu Johler

Minttu Johler, assistant professor at the Centre for Studies of Educational Practice, will defend her thesis at the University of Stavanger on 15 December 2023.

Photo: Private

Minttu Johler currently works as an assistant professor at the Centre for Studies of Educational Practice at the Faculty of Education in Hamar.

She has completed her PhD training at the University of Stavanger and is now ready to defend her work. The thesis is titled "'Take the plunge and give it a try'. Primary school teachers’ perceptions of their role and pedagogical practices in technology-rich classrooms"

The majority of previous research on the use of digital technologies in teaching and learning has been carried out in schools without an increased focus on digital elements.

In an attempt to make new discoveries, the study was carried out at a school which prioritizes digital competence in staff and pupils, and which utilizes the opportunities that digital technologies can offer.

There were many findings that partly confirmed findings from previous research, but which also provided interesting new perspectives on the topic. The informants' overall perception of how digital technologies affect the teacher's role and its implementation in their educational practice can be described as both positive and realistic.

Here you'll find more information about Minttu Johler's public defence at the University of Stavanger on 15 December 2023.


Picture of Minttu Minna Sirena Johler
Associate Professor
Tags: disputas, public defence By Ole Martin Ringlund
Published Dec. 14, 2023 12:49 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2023 1:21 PM