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Campus buildings and signpost at INN University, Hamar
Photo: Karen-Ingrid Fryjordet / Høgskolen i Innlandet
  • 27 June 2024: Pamela Helder Naylor's 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: Improving Mathematical Modelling through Communities of Practice. Opponent: Professor Jonas Bergman Ärlebäck, Linköping University. 
  • 05 July 2024: Nina Utvær Jacobsens 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: Hvordan kan skolen legge til rette for optimalt læringsutbytte for elever fra familier med migrantbakgrunn og kort botid i Norge?. Opponent: Associate professor Randi Myklebust, Volda University College. 
  • 16 August 2024: Kari Marie Manum's 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: Inkluderende musikkundervisning mellom utopi og instrumentalisme. En diskursanalyse av den nye læreplanen i musikk. Opponent: Professor Tone Kvernbekk, University of Oslo.
  • 28  August 2024: Renata Turunen's midway evaluation. PhD project working title: Contrastive analysis of metaphor use in written learner English of Russian and Finnish students. Opponent: Professor Anne Golden, University of Oslo.

Previous events


  • 21 June 2024: Agnieszka Moraczewskas 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: Språklæring og flerspråklige elever. Opponent: Associate professor Irmelin Kjelaas, NTNU.
  • 18 June 2024: Iselin Dagsdotter Sæterdals 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: Digital musicking med dei yngste i barnehagen. Opponent: Professor Ann-Hege Lorvik Waterhouse, University of South-Eastern Norway.
  • 14 June 2024: Torunn Skjærstads 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: English as a second language and historical literacy. Opponent: Professor Lisbeth Brevik, University of Oslo.
  • 31 May 2024: Synnøve Markeng gives her trial lecture and defends her thesis Koranen «her inn» og «der ute». En kvalitativ undersøkelse av tilnærminger til religiøse skrifter i formell og ikke-formell opplæringRead more about the trial lecture and defence here.
  • 30 May 2024. Eirik Skjelstad's 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: Inn i musikken. Ut av skapet. En musikkdidaktisk-kultursosiologisk studie av  populærmusikk. Opponent: Professor Sidsel Karlsen, Norwegian Academy of Music.
  • 29 May 2024: Anne Grethe Kjelling's midway evaluation. PhD project working title: Unge religiøse minoriteter i norsk skole – mellom to stoler eller i aktiv forhandling?  Opponent: Professor Jenny Berglund, Stockholm University/INN University
  • 28 May 2024: Øyvind Hennums 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: What does it mean to educate the whole child? Opponent: Professor Berit Karseth, University of Oslo.
  • 27 - 28 May 2024: NORCHILD Research School's seminar titled «Mot mer levelige framtider: forskning om barndom, barnehage og barnehagelærerprofesjonalitet i en kompleks tid». The seminar is organized by Liv Alice Pope, Svein Harald Bigum and Camilla Andersen.
  • 24 May 2024: Hilde Thyness gave her trial lecture and defended her thesis Inclusion in parent-teacher relationships A sociolinguistic approach to language and media practices in multilingual contexts. Read more about the trial lecture and defence here.
  • 7 May 2024: Malin Jenssen Bakken's midway evaluation. PhD project working title: Leveraging Discursive and Experiential Knowledge through Storytelling: Intersectional Critical Race Approaches to Race and Racialization in the Norwegian Teacher Profession. Opponent: Professor Lykke Guanio-Uluru, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • 23 February 2024: Danelle du Plessis' midway evaluation. PhD project working title: Leveraging Discursive and Experiential Knowledge through Storytelling: Intersectional Critical Race Approaches to Race and Racialization in the Norwegian Teacher Profession. Opponent: Professor Hanne Rise, INN University. 
  • 28 February 2024: Ida Syvertsen gave her trial lecture and defended her dissertation: Forced migration and English capital. A critical sociolinguistic analysis of English among Congolese refugees in NorwayRead more about the trial lecture and defence here.
  • 19 January 2024: Julia Melnikova gave her trial lecture and defended her dissertation: Norwegian high school encounters migrant families: A case study of parental involvement in three schools. Read more about the trial lecture and defence here.
  • 18 January 2024 10:15 - 12.00: Gaute Rydland Nilsen's midway evaluation. PhD project working title: Læring i lærerutdanning gjennom desentralisert kompetansemodell for skoleutvikling. Opponent: University lecturer Ann Elisabeth Gunnulfsen, University of Oslo. 
  • 18 January 2024 13.00 - 15.00: Olena Iamroz' midway evaluation. PhD project working title: A room for translanguaging in the Norwegian classroom – a way to more inclusive and intercultural education? Opponent: post doctoral fellow Vander Tavares, INN University.
  • 12 January 2024 10.00 - 12.00: Ana Linta's midway evaluation. PhD project working title: Korte oppgaver med høy kognitive krav og utforskende matematikkundervisning. Opponent: Professor Simon Goodchild, University of Agder.


  • 12 December 2023: Anne Cathrine Holth gave her trial lecture and defended her thesis «Samordning for læring»? – En studie av Fylkesmannens samordningsrolle i Kultur for læring. You can read more about the trial lecture and defence here.

  • 5 December 2023: Beate Kristin Leirpoll gave her trial lecture and defended her her thesis Tid, berøring og inderlighet. Lesninger av utøvd barnehagefaglighet i lys av Walter Benjamins tankebilder. You can read more about the trial lecture and defence here.

  • 4 December 2023: Barry Patrick Kavanagh gave his trial lecture and defended his thesis How Corpora Can Be Useful in English Language Teaching in Norwegian Schools. You can read more about the trial lecture and defence here.

  • 15 November 2023 13.00-15.00: Mette Maria Rønsen Gjerskaug's 90% evaluation. Project working title: Hva er digital lesing? En diskursanalyse av hvordan digital lesing blir konstruert i pedagogiske dokumenter. Opponent: University lecturer Leonora Onarheim Bergsjø, Østfold University College. Place: The VIP room at Østfold University College, Halden.

  • 31 October 2023 from 13.00-15.00: Linda Gerisch' midway evaluation. PhD project working title: A Corpus-Based Network Approach to Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. Opponent: Associate professor and postdoctoral researcher Marte Nordanger INN University/Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) . Room: 2M226.

  • 17 October 2023 from 9.00.-17.00: SpINN Språkforskning innafor. A departmental research conference for PhD candidates and other language researchers at the Faculty of Education. Arranged by: research groups Language and Society and English Language in Use

  • 2 October 2023 from 10.15: Therese Garshol Syversen gave her trial lecture and defended her dissertation: Barnelitteratur i norsk barnehagelærarutdanning. Ein studie av korleis barnelitteratur blir forstått i styringsdokument, gjennom studentperspektiv og i oppførte pensumlister for utdanninga. 

  • 28 September 2023 from 09.00-15.00: LINN: Litteratur- og litterasitetsforskning 2023. Internal conference for PhD candidates and other researchers at INN University. Arranged by research groups Literature and literacy and Scandinavian literature. Auditorium 4.

  • 28 September 2023 from 19-21. Researchers' Battle at Fabrikken Pub og scene in Lillehammer. Eight of INN University's PhD candidates present their project and compete to become the best research communicator. 

  • 26 September 2023 from 13.00-15.30. Critical childhood research. Ongoing explorations. Seminar with professor II Jayne Osgood & professor II Anna Sparman. PROFF PhD candidates present their. Arranged by: research group Childhood and early years education. Room 2M227.
  • 26 September 2023 from 09.00-15.00Migration, Multilingualism and Education. A seminar with Professor Jim Cummins. PROFF PhD candidates present their projects in the field. Arranged by: research groups Language Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Contexts and Diversity in Education
  • 25 September 2023 from 13.00-15.00: Hilde Thyness’ 90% seminar. PhD project working title:  Inclusion in parent-teacher relationships. A sociolinguistic approach to digitally mediated interaction in multilingual contexts. Opponent: Professor em. Jim Cummins, University of Toronto. Room: 2M227
  • 15 September 2023 from 10.15.-12.00: Ingrid Tvete's midway evaluation. PhD project working title: Utdanningsledelse i lærerutdanning - mellom drift og utvikling? Opponent: Professor Christina Niemi Mølstad, INN University. Room: 2M226
  • 5 September 2023 from 9.00.-11.00 Synnøve Markeng's 90% evaluation. PhD project working title: Koranen «der ute» og «her inne» En kvalitativ studie av tilnærminger til religiøse skrifter i formell og ikke-formell undervisning. Oppenent: assistant professor Hildegunn-Valen Kleve, Volda University College. Room: Reitan


Published Aug. 29, 2023 2:02 PM - Last modified June 21, 2024 2:42 PM