ARPI - Artistic Research Politics of Intimacy / Intimacy of Politics

This artistic research group is a collaboration between The Norwegian Film School / Conceptual Documentary and HFBK University of Arts, Hamburg Film Department. 

Academic discipline:
Film, TV, and digital media

On the fluid boundary between lived experience and cinematic imagination, between the personal and the political, the present-day conundrums and trans-generational legacies, the artistic research group POLITICS OF INTIMACY / INTIMACY OF POLITICS (ARPI) aims to investigate the field of filmic language at the intersection of intimacy and politics, as well as to support upcoming filmmakers in articulating a cinematic language for their experiences, motives and themes, in developing their artistic voice, personal methodologies, and forms of collaboration - with each other and with artists from other institutions, countries and fields. A maieutic, process-oriented approach, where cinema becomes a tool for research, for ‘un-learning’ and ‘re-learning’, for self-discovery and meaning-making, for transformation and growth.

The main fields of research are:

What we research

The ARPI group is based on filming and teaching methods identifying the artist’s personal pictorial language, using filmed diaries and visual investigations related to the embodied culture and voice of the artist, replacing the script, common film theories and prescriptions with the experiences of the film maker. Methods introduced by Arne Bro at The National Film School of Denmark, further developed by Lotte Mik-Meyer at The Norwegian Film School and Adina Pintilie at HFBK University of Arts Hamburg, forming a tradition based on cinematic research.

More about the research group

Ongoing projects

1. Lotte Mik-Meyer & Arne Bro - “Personal Pictorial Language”, The Norwegian Film School / Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and The National Film School of Denmark. Project webpage.

2. Politics of Intimacy / Intimacy of Politics - artistic research project guided by prof. Adina Pintilie at the HFBK University of Arts Hamburg / Film Department (Germany) 

3. Adina Pintilie - ‘YOU ARE ANOTHER ME : A Cathedral of the Body’ - ongoing multi-platform artistic research project, which has been presented internationally, between 2022 and 2024, in several formats and media: exhibition, symposium, screening & lecture, publication etc.

Research Based Education

Present and former students from The Norwegian Film School, HFBK University of Arts Hamburg (Film Department) and The National Film School of Denmark, as well as other artists invited from other countries, institutions and fields.

Selected works, studies and film investigations from researchers, students and other participants.

ARPI artistic research group at HFBK University of Arts Hamburg/ Film Department, guided by prof. Adina Pintilie:

  • Bo Friedrich (Germany)  - cinematic research project ‘CHERRY PICKING: On Trees and Loss’’
  • Catalina González González (Colombia) - cinematic research project ‘ENTREMEDIO: On Ghosts and Borders’
  • Liao Kai Ro (Taiwan) - cinematic research project ‘ARE WE BETTER?: On the Nature of the ‘Real’
  • Merle Morzé (Austria) - cinematic research project ‘ET INCARNATUS EST: Studies on Pain’
  • Morgana de Mello (Brazil) - cinematic research project ‘TEMOR, TREMOR: The Ghosts in my Body’
  • Kristina Savutsina (Belarus) - cinematic research project ‘NUMB: The Body Knows What To Do’

ARPI student films Norwegian Film School / Conceptual Documentary (selected) / guided by prof. Lotte Mik-Meyer:

  • Katinka Hustad, “SHORT STORY ON LONGING”, 18 min, Conceptual Documentary (MFA), 2024
  • Emilie Adelina Moniers, “WHEREEVER I LOOK, 21 min, Conceptual Documentary (Norwegian Film School (MFA), 2022
  • Io Sivertsen, ”GROWING PAIN - thoughts on the crimate crisis”, 18 min, Conceptual Documentary (Norwegian Film School (MFA), 2022
  • Gudrun Tara Sveinsdottir: “THE BODY AND THE CAMERA - a silent witness and conceptualized pain”, 20 min, Conceptual Documentary (MFA), 2020
  • Marie Suul Brobakke, “WOMAN MOTHER DAUGHTER”, 16 min, Conceptual Documentary (Norwegian Film School (MFA), 2020



Mik-Meyer, Lotte: RETURN OF A PRESIDENT, 78 / 58 /45 min 

Magic Hour Films & Kamoli Films, mikmeyer film, DFI & DRTV, TV, World Premiere: CPH:DOX, Copenhagen Documentary Festival, 2017, Encounters, South Africa, 2017, Yamagata International Documentary Festival 2017, Japan, Stockholm International Film Festival 2017, Bergamo Film meeting, 2018, One World Romania 2018, One World Prague 2018, Dhaka International Film Festival, Bangladesh 2018, DocsMX, The International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico, 2018, Cine Droit Libre, Burkina Faso, 2019

  • BIFF - Bayelsa International Film Festival, Nigeria, 2020 
  • TV Distribution: DRTV/DR2 2018, AL JAZEERA English 2018, 2019, 2020, MADA-TV, Madagascar, 2018
  • International Sales: Autlook

Mik-Meyer, Lotte: THE ARAB INITIATIVE, 58 min, Barok Film, DFI & TV2/Denmark, 

  • World Premiere CPH:DOX 2008, Doc á Tunis, Tunisia, 2010. 
  • DocuDays, Beirut International Film Festival, 2009. 
  • TV-Distribution: TV2, 2008

Digital Publication - ‘Adina Pintilie: You Are Another Me. Eine Kathedrale des Körpers’:

Text ‘A Cathedral of the Body” by Adina Pintilie and Viktor Neumann

Contribution to the publication series Das Neue Alphabet (The New Alphabet), Volume 16 - ‘Clothed Conflicts”. Published by HKW Haus der Kulturen der Welt and Spector Books, Leipzig, Dec 2022.

SCREENING & LECTURE: ’Touch Me Not by Adina Pintilie: Poetics and Politics of Intimacy’ within the ‘Lecture Series: Care, disability and art’ at ZHDK Zurich University of Arts (11.05.2023)

The lecture was part of the research project entitled ‘Rethinking Art History through Disability’ organized by the Institute of Art History of the University of Zurich in cooperation with ZHDK Zurich University of Arts

More info here

The ongoing artistic research project You Are Another Me - A Cathedral of the Body’, as well as its public and institutional presentations, and the emerging artworks, since 2022 till present, have been supported by: Kulturstiftung des Bundes, HKW Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin, Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Hamburg Ministry of Culture and Media, Goethe-Institut, ERSTE Foundation, Kulturamt der Stadt Stuttgart Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst des Landes Baden-Württemberg, The Power of the Arts, Rudolf Augstein Stiftung, Wüstenrot Stiftung, LBBW Stiftung, Romanian Ministry of Culture, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romanian Cultural Institute.

Academic partners: UNATC National University of Theatre and Film “I.L. Caragiale” Bucharest, CESI-Centre of Excellence in Image Studies Bucharest, Università Iuav di Venezia, “George Enescu” National University of Arts Iași, University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca

Conferences and events

1. Lotte Mik-Meyer & Arne Bro - “Personal Pictorial Language”, The Norwegian Film School / Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and The National Film School of Denmark, link

2. Politics of Intimacy / Intimacy of Politics - artistic research project guided by prof. Adina Pintilie at the HFBK University of Arts Hamburg / Film Department (Germany) - link

27.4.2024, Saturday 11:00 – 20:00 Uhr

The first public presentation of the project took place within the framework of the “ARCHIVES OF THE BODY’ events, in 4 formats / media:

EXHIBITION (26.04 - 10.05.2024, ICAT - HFBK Institute for Contemporary Art & Transfer, Hamburg) * 6 mixed-media installation works included in the exhibition ‘Archives of the Body: Imagining a Different Corpus’ 

SCREENING & DISCUSSION PROGRAM (27th of April, 2024, HFBK University of Arts Hamburg)

SYMPOSIUM (26th of April, 2024, HFBK University of Arts Hamburg)


3. Adina Pintilie - ‘YOU ARE ANOTHER ME : A Cathedral of the Body’

- ongoing multi-platform artistic research project, which has been presented internationally, between 2022 and 2024, in several formats and media: exhibition, symposium, screening & lecture, publication etc.

EXHIBITIONS - at the Venice Art Biennial 2022, Württembergischen Kunstverein Stuttgart 2023-2024 / Kunsthalle Bega 2023 etc


SYMPOSIUM ‘I AM ANOTHER YOU - A Conference on the Body // Mediating Intimacy and Body Politics’  (14 Dec 2022)

Context / Institution:

UNATC National University of Theater and Cinema Bucharest - The Department for Research, Development, Innovation

International Centre for Research and Education in Innovative Creative Technologies (CINETic UNATC)

More info here on the list of international guest-speakers, context and topics: and

SYMPOSIUM ‘EMBODIED EXPERIENCES’ at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (9 - 11.05.2023)

Contributor with the multimedia VR installation IN SEARCH OF THE LOST BODY, part of the Venice Biennial project “You Are Another Me - A Cathedral of the Body"

More info here

PHD-workshop by Lotte Mik-Meyer and Arne Bro: "Personal Pictorial Language & Artistic Research & Teaching Methods, 13 days intensive workshop for Artistic Research Fellows in FILMART - PhD program in Artistic Research in Film and Related Audiovisual Art Forms, The Norwegian Film School / Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Contact the research group

Lotte Mik-Meyer (leader) - Professor and Head of Conceptual Documentary (Mfa), The Norwegian Film School / Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

Adina Pintilie (leader) - Professor, HFBK University of Arts, Hamburg / Film Department
