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Environmental psychology

The research group in environmental psychology is broadly concerned with the study of environmental behaviour and restorative environments.

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Academic discipline:
Nature, biology and environment
Fra friluftssykehuset på Oslo universitetssykehus, et av prosjektene miljøpsykologi er involvert i. (Foto: Øystein Horgmo)

From the outdoor care retreat, one of the project the group is involved in.

Photo: Øystein Horgmo

One of our key aims is to contribute to practical problem solving related to sustainability. Research on urban development and socio-physical working environments is also of interest.

What we research

We have several ongoing projects that examine the impact of nature and architecture on people’s welfare and work performance. We also have projects on what determines environmentally friendly behaviour, choice of transportation, environmental risk perception, green organizational change, recycling, and sustainable consumption.

More about the research group

Research and development projects


REBUS is a research project that aims to develop practical knowledge on the potential to reuse building materials in the construction sector. Such knowledge may contribute to a more rapid transition to a circular economy. The project is owned by SINTEF Community and is interdisciplinary, including architects, engineers, and environmental psychologists. Our research group have collected quantitative and qualitative data on user experiences and attitudes toward the reuse of building materials in the construction sector. We will use this data to develop educational material and recommendations for incentives in public procurement and regulations. Our group has a PhD student associated with this project.

Friluftssykehuset – the outdoor care retreat

The ‘outdoor care retreat’ is a cabin in the near vicinity of hospitals that provides patients and their relatives access to nature and rooms made from natural materials (biophilic design) while undergoing treatment. The aim is to improve the experience of hospital treatment for patients. At Oslo university hospital, this cabin is used for therapy and meetings with children undergoing serious illnesses. Our research group has collected and analysed both qualitative and quantitative data on users’ experience of the outdoor care retreat.


In co-oporation with SINTEF and other institutes at INN, our research group is involved with the project «Å mestre livet: Utforsking av selveid boligs betydning for livskvalitet i lavinntektsfamilier»". The project investigates how home ownership affect quality of life among socioeconomically disadvantaged families. Interviews are ongoing with users about their experiences with the "Kongsvinger-model".


Our research group is collaborating with REdu (an initiative by the waste and recycling industry Avfall Norge). This collaboration connects students at the bachelor's, master's and PhD level to the waste and recycling industry, with the goal to study as well as promote innovative solutions.

Cooperation with regional waste disposal companies

Our master's program in environmental psychology was (partly) realized thanks to funding from regional waste disposal companies: Glør, Hias, and Søir. These companies invites students to get actively involved in their projects. A key goal of this collaboration is to generate evidence-based solutions for sorting and recycling waste.

Grønt INN

The ‘Grønt INN’ project is a collaboration between our research group and INN students to create a greener university using evidence-based solutions. The project also seeks to further research by identifying catalysts and mechanisms underlying ‘green shifts’ in organizations.

Previous projects

Urban development project

In collaboration with SOLA Landscape architects, our research group has carried out a feasibility study of an area in the centre of Lillehammer. This collaboration accumulated in the report: "Terassen and Bruparken - Future use and opportunities", which includes the ‘wants and needs’ of various user groups.

Mapping environmental work in companies

In collaboration with students at the master’s program in environmental psychology at INN, the research group has investigated the status of ‘green shift’ in Hamar Region Development (HrU) companies. Our study comprised both focus group interviews and a quantitative survey assessing environmental climate, citizenship behaviour, and coping beliefs and has generated further work around green business at companies in the Hamar region.

Noen av medlemmene i forskningsgruppen i miljøpsykologi avbildet i 2019. (Foto: HINN)
Some of the members of the research group pictured in 2019. (Photo: INN University)


  • Cornell University, Design and Environmental Analysis, USA
  • Högskolan Väst, psykologisektionen, Sverige
  • University of Surrey, School of Psychology, UK
  • Department of Environmental Studies, Masaryk University, Tsjekkia
  • NTNU, Institutt for psykologi
  • Universitetet i Bergen, Institutt for samfunnspsykologi
  • Norsk miljøpsykologisk nettverk