Ongoing education projects - forest research

With students in the forest. (Photo: INN University)

With students in the forest.

Photo: INN University


We teach forestry subjects on the Bachelor and Master level. Our studies are attractive and well-known for giving students the right knowledge and skills needed for working in the private or public forest sector or continuing further studies. Through writing Bachelor and Master theses, our students design their own project, work with an industrial or public management partner or take part of an ongoing research project.

For information about the Bachelor studies in forestry (in Norwegian), see

We also offer an exchange year in forestry and wildlife management for international students (in English), see

In our Master’s program in Applied Ecology, you may take a specialization in Forestry (in English), see

Published June 13, 2022 11:15 AM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2022 1:14 PM