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Functional & Diagnostic Genomics

Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
Academic discipline:
Nature, biology and environment
Women in laboratorium
Photo: Lars Martin Bøe/HINN

Functional genomics involves genetics, protein biochemistry, cell and molecular biology in both wild and genome edited organisms by CRISPR/Cas-based technologies to elucidate fundamental biological phenomena with the aim of developing plant cultivars or animal breeds with desired traits.

Functional metagenomics entails discovery and characterization of novel metabolic pathways in microbial communities important in agricultural, industrial, environmental and health contexts. 

Genetic and epigenetics markers identified from functional studies can be developed as diagnostic tools to ensure efficient bioremediation of water, soil and sediments and safe production and processing of plants, animals, fish and food. Human and microbial markers are amenable in medical diagnostics.

What we research

Molecular genetics is a broad field spanning from functional genomics/epigenomics, the elucidation of gene function/functional consequences of chromatin modification states, to the development and employment of novel DNA technologies for characterizing microorganisms, plants, and animals, including humans.

More about the research group

Projects, since 2015 as leaders and partners

  • 2024 - 2027. GE-Sustain: Sustainable potato production in Norway by precision breeding; Project partner (Castillo Avila, Johansen & Wilson); Norwegian Research Council (NRC; program IPN, FFL/JA); Project number 346664; Project owner: Graminor AS.
  • 2024 - 2026. Liquid Array Diagnostics for rapid diagnostics in acute myeloid leukemia; Project partner (Wilson); Helse Sør-Øst (PhD-stipend-prosjekt); SøknadsID: 37481; Project owner: Oslo universitetssykehus.
  • 2023 - 2026. Impact of influent carbon load on phosphorus-removal performance and the associated ecophysiology of the Hias Process; Project leader (Johansen); Regional Research Fund Region Innlandet (RFFINNL program: KSP); Project number: 341327. Project owner: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • 2020 - 2022 Kartlegging av de biologiske prosessene som styrer fosfor og nitrogen rensing i Hias biofilmen; Project leader; Regional Research Fund Region Innlandet (RFFINNL); Project number: 313463. Project owner: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • 2019 - 2020. Metodikk for karakterisering av biofilm i Hias-prosessen. Project leader; Innovation FORREGION; Project number: 304496. Project owner: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • 2015 - 2018. From the Laboratory to the Field: Biomarkers for Low Temperature Tolerance in Strawberries; Project partner (Ghai Njah, Johansen &Wilson); Norwegian Research Council (NRC; program BIONÆR) project number 244658/E50. Project owner: Graminor AS.
  • 2015 - 2017. Using the moss Physcomitrella patens as a tool to understand the role of DEK1 in plant body patterning and evolution. Project partner (Johansen & Wilson); NRC (program FRIMEDBIO); Project number 240343. Project owner: Norwegian University of Life Sciences.
  • 2015 - 2017. Liquid Array Diagnostics. Project partner (Wilson & Rudi - via NMBU); Norwegian Research Council (NRC; program FORNY): project number 243870; Project owner: Kjeller Innovasjon.

Projects since 2016 as collaborators with other researcher groups at INN University

Collaboration with B3 - Bioinformatics, Biodiscovery & Biorefinery

  • 2024. WatRes: antibiotic resistance Status at HiAS inlet and effluent water; Collaborator (Johansen); Regional Research Fund Region Innlandet; Project number: 350084. Project owner: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.

Collaboration with Reproduction biotechnology

  • 2023 - 2033. Centre for Embryology and Healthy Development (CRESCO); Collaborator (Wilson); Norwegian Research Council (NRC, program SFF); project number: 332713; Project owner: University of Oslo.
  • 2022 - 2028. Zygote – Kapasitetsløft innen bærekraftig avl og anvendt bioteknologi for Innlandet; Collaborator (Wilson); Norwegian Research Council (NRC, program KSP) project number: 331878; CRIStin-ID: 2602847; Project owner: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • 2017 - 2020. Elucidation of underlying factors influencing fertility in modern, efficient livestock production through novel epigenomics and metabolomics; Collaborator (Wilson);   Norwegian Research Council (NRC, program MAT-SLF) project number: 268048; CRIStin-ID: 558757; Project owner: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • 2016 - 2019. Nye verktøy for bærekraftig avl og høy fruktbarhet i effektiv husdyrproduksjon; Collaborator (Wilson); Norwegian Research Council (NRC, program MAT); CRIStin-ID: 532169; Project owner: Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.


National collaborators

  • Professor Paul Grini (Norway, UiO)
  • Professor Lars Gustav Snipen (Norway, NMBU)
  • R&D Director / Associate Professor Muath K Alsheikh (Norway, Graminor Breeding Ltd / NMBU)
  • Researcher Tage Thorstensen (Norway, NIBIO)
  • Head of Dept. & Research Carl Gunnar Fossdal (Norway, NIBIO)
  • Senior Physician Tor Henrik Anderson Tvedt, Ph.D. (Norway, OUS)
  • Researcher Carl Jonas Spetz (Norway, NIBIO)
  • Researcher Jahn Davik (Norway, NIBIO)
  • Professor Odd Arne Rognli (Norway, NMBU)
  • Researcher Mallikarjuna Rao Kovi (Norway, NMBU)
  • Professor Achim Kohler (Norway, NMBU)
  • Senior Process Engineer Torgeir Saltnes (Norway, HIAS H2O)
  • Operations Engineer Gjermund Sørensen (Norway, HIAS IKS)
  • Consultant Sondre Eikås (Norway, HIAS IKS)

Internationalational collaborators

  • Researcher Pierre Francois Perroud (France, INRA)
  • Associate Professor Dennis Eriksson (Sweden, SLU)
  • Researcher Viktor Demko (Slovakia, UNIBR)
  • Professor Stephen K. Randall (USA, IUPUI)
  • Professor Dan Sargent (UK, NIAB)
  • Professor Francesco Nonnis Marzano (Italy, UNIPR)