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OASIS research group

The research group OASIS brings together researchers interested in the psychological processes that lead a sustainable society where people thrive and are afforded equal opportunities and good work environments.

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Academic discipline:
Politics and society
Illustrasjonsbilde. Foto: Colourbox

Foto: Colourbox

We understand human behavior and agency as situated within groups as well as socio-political and cultural contexts.

What we research

Our research covers several areas of work-, organizational- and social psychology, including:

  • modern workplace
  • team dynamics
  • work demands and health
  • acculturation processes and intergroup relations
  • barriers to equality in the labor market
  • development of career aspirations
  • causes and consequences of stereotypes
  • strategic management

More about the research group

We adopt a pragmatic and flexible approach to methodology, utilizing various methods and analyses depending on the topic and questions under investigation, including:

  • experimental design
  • diary studies
  • interviews
  • observations
  • cross-cultural data
  • BIG data

OASIS consists of academics with expertise in organizational-, work-, and social psychology. Group members include researchers at all stages, from Bachelor students to Emeritus Professors who teach at BA, MA, and PhD level. Members of the group have a reputation for delivering high quality, internationally recognized research and publications, much of it being undertaken with colleagues at other national and international institutions. Several members of the group also belong to other professional groups and businesses.

Current projects

Conferences and events

We hold regular workshops and research group meetings, and all are welcome to join. We also invite people working in organizations and students to present project ideas to us. Please contact the research group leader.


Research is conducted through an extensive network of universities, organizations, and charities in Norway and overseas: COST action, EASP, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, University of Amsterdam, University of British Columbia, University of Leuven, University of Cologne, University of Hagen, NSPCP, University of Oslo, University of Surrey, University of South Florida, University of Sussex, Towards Gender Harmony, University of Zurich, Østlandsforskning, SINTEF AS.