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Record-high research activity at INN University

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences saw a 25 percent increase in the number of publication points last year.

Pro-Rector for Research and Development Marit Sletmoen is standing in front of an office door.

Marit Sletmoen is the pro-rector for research and development at INN University. Photo: Espen Kristiansen/INN

– In practice, this means that INN conducts research and conveys it to a greater extent than ever before, says a satisfied pro-rector for research and development, Marit Sletmoen.

As the deadline for reporting 2023 figures to the Norwegian Science Index (NVI) expired, the numbers show that INN University has experienced a solid growth in the number of publication points, up from 568.41 in 2022 to 711.83 in 2023.
– That it terrific, Sletmoen confirms.

– A collective effort

NVI is an annual reporting of scientific results within education and research. For an article to earn points, it must be published in a peer-reviewed channel, whether it be a journal or book.

Looking at points per 'UFF' position (lecturing and research positions), INN increases from 0.69 points in 2022 to 0.87 points in 2023.

Sletmoen finds it extra gratifying that the entire university is part of the effort. 
– The increase we see is a collective effort in the sense that a higher proportion of our staff with research time contributes to research production now compared to previous years, says Sletmoen.

Read more about the research at INN University.

A determined competence enhancement

She attributes the results to the fact that INN has had a clear focus on research over the past few years. The university increased the number of academic full-time equivalents from 651 to 815 from 2020 to October 2023. The proportion of employees with a doctoral degree or higher increased from 60 to 67 percent during the same period.

– INN has had a clear goal of strengthening our activity, quality and competence related to research. But in research, it always takes time from investment to harvest; now we are in the phase where we see the results, says Sletmoen.

She expects this development to continue.

– There is every reason to celebrate now, but we should not rest on our laurels. We want further growth and development. This requires that the institution continues to demonstrate the will and ability to invest in research and competence building.

– Becoming more university-like

Sletmoen believes the good figures show that INN's university ambition is correct.

– It is confirmed that we are moving towards becoming more university-like. We are still in a developmental process but have taken some very important steps forward, she says.

For the past five years, INN has been somewhat below the institutions it is natural to compare with (universities of applied sciences and new universities). In 2023, INN lands at approximately the same level as Nord University and Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.

– We have managed to maintain a steady increase in recent years and do not lag behind those we compare ourselves with, Sletmoen confirms.

Continued high international quality

The research at INN has high international quality. This is evidenced, among other things, by the fact that the proportion of publications with international co-authorship continues to increase. The proportion is now at 50 percent, an increase of four percent from the previous year.

INN aims for 20 percent of research publications to be at level 2. In 2023, we reached 22.8 percent, slightly down from previous years. Publication channels that earn publication points are divided into two levels. 80 percent of the publication channels are at level 1, while the rest are at level 2, which provides extra credit. These are the most quality-demanding and significant channels.

– It is solid, and it shows that we maintain quality even as the quantity of research increases, says Sletmoen.

A summary of INN's publication points

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences (HHS) is the faculty that achieves the most publication points, both in total (281 points) and per UFF position (1.33 points). Measured per UFF position, the Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences, and Biotechnology (ALB) follows closely with 1.17 points (increasing from 0.87 the previous year).

Points per UFF position (lecturing and research positions) at INN

2018: 0,64
2019: 0,74
2020: 0,73
2021: 0,71
2022: 0,69
2023: 0,87

Publication points per faculty (2022 numbers in parentheses)

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences (HHS): 281,24 (199,26)
Faculty of Education (LUP): 161,49 (138,47)
Faculty of Social and Health Sciences: 137,69  (139,42)
Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology (ALB): 115,96 (80,62)
Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies (AMEK): 9,9 (6,38)
Administration: 4,85 (3,11)
The Norwegian Film School: 0 (1,14)
In total: 711 (568)

Contact information

Picture of Marit Sletmoen
Pro-Rector for Research
+47 61 28 75 55
By Marte Veimo, Hedda Smedbold
Published May 27, 2024 9:53 AM - Last modified May 29, 2024 9:59 AM