INN University is now a member of the Oslo Region European Office

"It will be quite impactful for our ambition to increase the number of EU-funded research projects," says INN University's Vice-Rector for Research Marit Sletmoen.

Eight people stand in a row, with their backs to the view of a view of a city. The weather is grey and there is a little snow on the ground.

The Department of Research at INN University has been in Brussels to learn about how the institution can get the most out of its new membership in ORE. Photo: INN University

With membership in the Oslo Region European Office (ORE), new doors are opened in Europe for INN University.

"The network ORE represents will help to strengthen our application work to the EU in general and Horizon Europe in particular. This is part of our European Springboard venture, and will become an important resource for INN University and our employees. Through membership, we get continuous and updated information about what is happening in the EU, and we get to identify opportunities for cooperation both in the EU and with other members in our own region," says Sletmoen.

Read more about the Oslo Region European Office

Connecting INN University and the region to Brussels

INN University became a member of ORE at the turn of the year, and already in mid-January a delegation from the Department of Research visited Brussels.

ORE has been based in Brussels for 20 years, and now represents 22 members, such as county councils, municipalities, inter-municipal councils, and educational and research institutions in Eastern Norway. The office's aim is to contribute to connecting the Oslo region more closely to Europe, and to create new opportunities for innovation, regional development and value creation for the members through European cooperation.

In addition to getting to know ORE better, the delegation gained insight into how different Brussels offices work, as well as Norway's Knowledge Office (NORCORE), which consists of the Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway, the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills, and NTNU's own office in the EU capital.

"Among other things, we gained insight into how we can influence calls for proposals, and the latest news about what is happening around the EU's policy development, the development of the next work programme and the framework programme that comes after Horizon Europe," says Director of Research Marte Tøndel.

Tre mennesker står og snakker i et møterom. På veggen bak er det et stort lerret med påskriften "Velkommen til oss HINN"
Vice-rector for Research Marit Sletmoen (centre) and research director Marte Tøndel in conversation with the director of NTNU's Brussels office, Massimo Busuoli. Photo: INN University

Strengthens members' EU competence

ORE is at all times up-to-date on the EU's political priorities, current action plans, guidelines and regulations, which in turn form the basis for, among other things, the announcements that are published in EU's programmes. The services ORE offers its members are categorized as thematic meetings, study visits, hosting, project opportunities and EU knowledge.

Mange mennesker sitter ved bord formet som en hestesko og noterer og  hører på, mens en mann står foran og snakker foran en powepoint-presentasjon på veggen.
Director of the Oslo Region European Office, Gunnar Selvik, welcomes INN University's Department of Research to the team. Photo: INN University


"Through the membership in ORE, we will be kept informed about the initiatives and announcements coming up. If INN University wants to invest in a specific theme, they can assist us in arranging thematic meetings to find relevant partners, which is a prerequisite for participating in larger EU projects," say Sletmoen and Tøndel about the collaboration.

"Inn University has a strategic goal of being a regional force and national contributor in an international context, and membership in ORE will clearly be a strong support in this," they summarize.

Useful link

Research support


Picture of Marit Sletmoen
Pro-Rector for Research
+47 61 28 75 55
Picture of Marte Tøndel
Research Director
+47 62 43 04 38
Picture of Guro Hagen
Senior Adviser
+47 62 59 79 26
Picture of Hege Taarud
+47 62 51 77 11


This article was translated from Norwegian by Noorit Larsen.

By Marte Veimo
Published Feb. 2, 2024 3:18 PM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2024 12:56 AM