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Digitization of the study program Food, nutrition and health

The pilot project investigates how lifelong learning can be facilitated in digital learning environments for multiple target groups.

Project goal

The purpose is to develop a flexible digitized education offer, a one-year study in food, nutrition and health, that can be adapted to students' educational, work and life situations.

About the project

The project can lead to an efficient study routine with easier access to teaching and learning materials. The goal is high quality with updated and attractive content. This can prevent dropouts, increase student activity and recruitment for further studies.

The project contributes to the strengthening of nutrition work and recognition of the importance of research-based knowledge about food and diet as one of the basic pillars of public health work. In the long run, the project can help more target groups in society experience mastery of health-promoting lifestyle through positive food experiences and food joy, regardless of age, gender, and geographical and socio-economic background.

The digitization project consists of the development of 6 standalone subjects that together give 60 ECTS credits: Food Knowledge and Food Technology (15 ECTS), Public Health, Lifestyle and Society (5 ECTS), Basic Nutrition (10 ECTS), Food Culture (10 ECTS), Community Nutrition (10 ECTS) and Food Pedagogy (10 ECTS).

Social contribution

An unhealthy diet is, after smoking, the most important risk factor for lost years of life in Norway. Several health and education policy documents, parliamentary reports and action plans have long pointed out that knowledge about food and nutrition is important for people to choose a health-promoting diet and prevent diseases.

The need and demand for a flexible education offer within the university and college sector (UH-sector) is well documented. The need for competence enhancement among those who work with food and nutrition in various sectors of society is real. For example, health and care staff report a need for more knowledge about nutrition in basic educations, and they are calling for easier access to training resources through e-learning.

Research has shown an acute need to qualify food and health teachers in schools with a specialization in the subject. A particular challenge is the recruitment to and the need for labor within the food subjects and local value creation based on Norwegian nature and culture. The digitization of education should support goals mentioned in political documents, while ensuring good access to competent labor and the opportunity for lifelong learning throughout the country. This requires the development of new and varied teaching and learning methods.

A flexible, digitized one-year study in food, nutrition and health will meet these ambitions. The development of independent subjects with varied teaching and assessment forms that students can complete regardless of their place of residence or work situation can be carried out at the student's own pace. This also involves the development of learning resources and contact with practice placements in the students' local communities.


Søberg, Lilja Elina Kaarina Palovaara; Müller, Hanne.
Teacher educators’ experiences when changing to digital teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic in subject Food and Health. International Journal of Home Economics 2021; Volum 14.(1) s. 123-133.

Søberg, Lilja Elina Kaarina Palovaara; Sagmoen, Ingvild Skirbekk; Stenberg, Trine.
Digitalisert studentstyrt undervisning i mat og helse. Mat og helse i skolen 2021 (2) s. 8-12


Screenshot of students at work in their own home kitchen.

Some students in action cooking in their own home kitchen. (Screenshot by Lilja Palovaara Søberg)

Head of research project

Academic disciplines

Upbringing and education