The educational experience - WP2

This work package explores the educational experiences of children and youth from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds, age 10-25, and their families, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic in four Nordic countries. 

How do we see an educational experience?

Educational experiences do not happen in a socio-economic vacuum. Therefore, other aspects of the target groups’ experiences are also relevant. For instance, mental and physical wellbeing, feelings of (not) belonging, (in)ability to access relevant welfare services, and similar areas are relevant topics to be explored within the wider educational context. The education context encompasses all levels of education: primary, secondary, and higher education.

Methodological approaches

The project appreciates the contribution of research subjects to knowledge production. In line with this, we will apply collaborative qualitative research methods to produce knowledge together with children, youth from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds, and their families. Furthermore, recognising the diversity of positions and experiences children and youth with forced migratory background may have, we will work to recruit participants reflecting variation in geographical origin, gender, refugee status, educational- and family situation, sexual orientation and gender identity.

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Published Nov. 7, 2023 1:19 PM - Last modified Nov. 8, 2023 9:53 AM