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Between term and trope

In Norwegian-language texts, "koranskole" ("Qur'an school") is a frequently used term - but what is its exact meaning?  

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FAITHED researcher Nora S. Eggen has analyzed and deconstructed the concept "koranskole" ("Qur'an school") and its use in an extensive corpus of Norwegian-language academic and professional texts, newspaper texts and literary texts. The result is published in the article "Between term and trope: The 'koranskole' in Norwegian public discourse" in a recent issue of Scandinavian Journal of Islamic Studies/Tidsskrift for islamforskning. Read the article here (open access). She concludes (pp 113-114):

After investigating the appearance of the term koranskole in the material, I suggest the following typology for its meanings and functions: 1) It is used as a specific technical term, denoting what I have called Qurʾanic instruction proper as it is offered in some mosques. 2) It is also used as a metonymical technical term, denoting any kind of non-formal educational activities in a Muslim faith-based organization (mosque or other organization). 3) It is used as a generic term with a metonymic or symbolic quality for any kind of minority community-based children’s activity. 4) The term koranskole works as an Oriental trope, evoking images of past grandeur in distant times, places, or cultural contexts, and present stagnation. 5) It works as a nostalgic, dismissive, or mixed memory trope, to which an author can pin a past and assume a position for a character, in fiction as well as in biography or autobiography. 6) Lastly, the term koranskole seems to have taken on a metaphorical quality detached from its lexical content, evoking an image of rigidness or stagnation.

Tags: FAITHED, Islam, Quran, Qur'an, koranskole, Qur'an school, faith education, Islamic religious education, Islamic instruction By Anders Aschim
Published Dec. 27, 2023 11:15 AM - Last modified Dec. 27, 2023 11:15 AM