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Faith education in a superdiverse context

How to conduct faith educaton with participants from all over the world?

University of Warsaw, IMISCOE session

Catholic families in Norway originate from many different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. In such a situation, how is faith and practice passed on to subsequent generations? In Norwegian language? In the home language(s) of the family? What is the impact of the contact with the country of origin of the family? And how does the limited space in Catholic churches affect the opportunities?

FAITHED researchers Marta Bivand Erdal and Anders Aschim discussed such issues in a presentation at the annual IMISCOE conference in Warsaw, Poland on Monday 3 July, in the session "Faith in migration: Shaping coordinates of space, time and movement".

IMISCOE (International Migration Research Network) is a large interdisciplinary network of migration scholars. The four-day conference hosts a comprehensive program, 900 participants on-site and another 400 joining digitally.

Paper abstract

Tags: FAITHED, Catholic faith education, catechesis, migration By Anders Aschim
Published July 5, 2023 11:19 AM - Last modified July 7, 2023 9:41 AM