
Illustration - Colourbox

SPRinG+ Members


Dr. Gosia Mikolajczak, Australian National University, Global Institute for Women's Leadership, Collective Action, Sexism, Gender Inequalities


Professor Annalisa Casini, UCLouvain, Institut de Recherche en Sciences Psychologiques (IPSY), Occupational Health in Feminine Sectors (Care/Cure), Gender Discrimination at Work and Gender Gap in STEM


M.Sc. Fatma Chaabouni, UCLouvain, Gender, Stereotypes, STEM, Cross-Cultural Variations


Dr. Fiona Eyraud, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, Intimate Partner Violence in Lesbians Relationships, Minority Stress, Community-Based Participatory Research


M.Sc. Sarah Grootjans, KU Leuven, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, Work-family life, Gender Roles, Masculinity


M.Sc. Toon Holman, KU Leuven, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, Social Identity Content, Masculinity Effects of Publics on Social Identity Performance


M.Sc. Elliana (Elli-Anastasia) Lamprianidou, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Faculty of Psychology, Educational Sciences and Speech and Language Therapy, Gender Ideology and Parenting, Intensive Parenting/Mothering Ideologies, Societal Pressures Towards Mothers/Fathers


M.Sc. Gaëlle Leman, UCLouvain, Institut de Recherche en Sciences Psychologiques (IPSY), Intersectionality, Lesbophobia and Employment Discrimination


M.Sc. Alexandra Lux, KU Leuven, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, Stereotypes, Language and Attitude Change


M.Sc. Iris Meinderts, KU Leuven, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, Stereotyping, Feedback and Self-Concept


Dr. Cindy Eira Nunes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Family Relationships, Gender Norms, Couple Dynamics


M.Sc. Emma Sarter, UCLouvain, Psychology and Educational Sciences, Transphobia, Transidentities, Feminism


Professor Claudia Toma, Université libre de Bruxelles, Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, Impact of Diversity Policies, Resistences Toward Gender and Diversity Policies, Leadership and Social Judgement, Knowledge Hiding in Organizations and Teams


Professor Colette van Laar, University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Social and Cultural Psychology, Social Change, Gender and Social identity, Stigma and Stereotypes


Dr. Pascaline Van Oost, UCLouvain, Institut de Recherche en Sciences Psychologiques (IPSY), Weaponization of Gender Equality, Gender Fair Language, Environmental Psychology


M.Sc. Yitan Wang, KU Leuven, Center for Social and Cultural Psychology, Intergroup Relations, Organizational Culture, Father's Involvement

Czech Republic

Professor Jack Simons, Charles University/Mercy University, Counselling Psychology, Schools, LGBT, Identity Behavior


Dr. Sylvie Borau, Tbs Education & Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse, Marketing, Gendered AI, Gendered Marketing and Advertising, Objectification and Sexualization


Professor Andreea Gruev-Vintila, Université Paris Nanterre, LAPPS, Coercive Control, Social Representations, Transdisciplinarity


Professor Maia Mestvirishvili, Tbilisi State University, Department of Psychology, Social Psychology, Moral Psychology, Self and Identity, Gender Studies, Positive Psychology


Dr. Mariam Kvitsiani, Tbilisi State University, Department of Psychology, Gender Violence, Morality, Gender Equality


M.Sc. Mona Algner, University of Potsdam, Gender Stereotypes, Leader Identity, Motivation to Lead


M.Sc. Elena Ball, University Kaiserslautern-Landau, Social-, Environmental-, Economic Psychology, Intersectionality Racism in Europe, Workplace, Discrimination


Dr. Myriam Bechtoldt, EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht, Management, Gender & Leadership, Intersectionality, Gender-Related Implications of Climate Change


Dr. Jan-Bennet Voltmer, FernUniversität in Hagen, Social Psychology, Computer-supported Collaborative Learning, Diversity, Mental Labor


Professor/ Dr. Anja Berger, HWR Berlin, Department 5: Police and Security Management, Gender (Stereotypes, Role), (Sexual) Aggression, Social Cognition


M.Sc. Maike Braun, University of Hohenheim, Institute of Communication, Gender Diversity Framing of Social Inequality Reclamation


Professor Susanne Bruckmüller, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Psychology, Communication, Stereotypes, Attributions and Explanations


Dr. Angela Dorrough, University of Cologne, Social Psychology, Cooperation Behavior, Gender Differences and Culture


Dr. Franziska Ehrke, RPTU Kaiserlautern-Landau, Social Psychology, Perception and Assessment of Social Diversity, Anti-Prejudice Interventions (e.g., Diversity Training, Awareness Training, Media Interventions), Populist Attitudes, Political Trust


M.Sc. Isabel Gebhardt, Leipzig University, Personality Psychology, Gender Roles, Gender Socialisation, Queer Methodologies in Gender Psychology


M.Sc. Mai Grundmann, FernUniversität Hagen, Social Psychologie and CATALPA, Diversity and Equality, Basic Need Satisfaction, Decision Making


M.Sc. Arian Leopold, Kiel University, Institut for Psychology, Gender Stereotypes, Gender Equality, Stereotype Interventions


Dr. Anja Munder, FernUniversität in Hagen, Department of Psychology, Gender-Based Discrimination (Forms, Perception, Reactions to)


Dr. Claudia Niedlich, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Social, Environmental, and Economic Psychology, Intersectionality, Stereotypes and Discrimination in Application Processes, Sexual Orientation


M.Sc. Marina Orifici, University of Cologne, Social Psychology, Gender Stereotypes, Gender Differences, Gender & Culture


M.Sc. Patrick Rothermund, University of Würzburg, Social Psychology, Language and Gender Representation, Stereotypes and Attribution of Behavior


Professor Melanie Steffens, University of Kaiserslautern-Landau, Department of Psychology, Gender Stereotypes, Gender Roles, LGBTQI*


Dr. Monika Kovács, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education, Sexism & Gender Egalitarianism, Gender & Politics, Gender & Education


Professor Lan Anh Nguyen Luu, Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Intercultural Psychology and Education, Acculturation & Cultural Identity, Teachers' Multicultural Views, Gender Beliefs


Dr. Enikő Virágh, ELTE PPK, Institute of intercultural psychology and education, Gender Roles, Rape Myths, Sexual Violence


M.Sc. Marylisa Sara Alemi, Università degli Studi di Perugia, Political Sciences, Sextortion, Gender Violence, Corruption


Professor Andrea Carnaghi, University of Trieste, Department of Life Sciences, Intersectionality, Stereotypes and Prejudice, Social Cognition


M.Sc. Stefano Ciaffoni, University of Bologna, Department of Psychology, Social Change, Reactions to Gender Inequality, Internalised Sexual Prejudice


Dr. Francesca Guizzo, University of Padova, Department of Developmental and Socialization Psychology, Sexual Objectification, Sexual Harassment


Professor Mariarosaria Izzo, Università Europea di Roma, Work and Organizational Psychology, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy, Disability and Diversity Management in Intersectional Model, Gender Empowerment in Leadership


M.Sc. Lisa Luis, University of Trieste, Department of Life Sciences, Gender Inequalities, Stereotypes, Social Cognition


M.Sc. Sara Panerati, University of Bologna, Department of Psychology, Gender stereotypes, Gender Inequalities, Collective Action


Professor Maria Giuseppina Pacilli, University of Perugia, Department of Political Sciences, Bystanders' Attitudes Towards Women as Targets of Gender Violence, Impact of Sexualized Appearance on Social Perception and Reproductive Rights, Abortion Stigma


M.Sc. Eleonora Grassi, University of Perugia, Department of Political Sciences, Gender Stereotypes, Gender and Organizations, Sexism, Gender-Based Violence


Dr. Valentina Piccoli, University of Trieste, Department of Life Sciences, Bullying and Cyberbullying, Social Networks, Body Concerns


Professor Michela Menegatti, University of Bologna, Department of Psychology, Sexual Harassment, Objectification, Gender Discrimination at Work, Gender-Fair Language


Dr. Silvia Moscatelli, University of Bologna, Department of Psychology, Gender Discrimination at Work, Collective Action, Sexual Harassment, Sexualisation, Sexism, Gender-Fair Language


Professor Norma De Piccoli, University of Turin, Department of Psychology, Gender Stereotypes, Gender Medicine, Gender Identity


M.Sc. Denise Ruggieri, University of Bologna, Department of Psychology, Gender Inequality, Female Leadership, Stereotypes, Prejudice, Discrimination


Professor Chiara Rollero, University of Turin, Department of Psychology, Social psychology, Gender-Based Violence, Gender Stereotypes


Dr. Federica Spaccatini, University of Perugia, Political science, Sexual Objectification & Sexualization, Victim Blaming, Sexism, Gender Violence


Professor Janine Bosak, Dublin City University, Business School, Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace, Women & Leadership, Employee Wellbeing in Organizations


Dr. Mary Kinahan, Maynooth University, Business School, Gender Stereotypes, Women and Leadership, Discrimination and Prejudice in Workplace


Dr. Marta Prandelli, Dublin City University, School of Nursing, Psychotherapy and Community Health, Intersex Studies, Qualitative Research, Social Inclusion


Dr. Rotem Kahalon, Bar-Ilan University, Medicine, Gender Stereotypes, Violence against Women, Objectification



M.Sc. Elena Bacchini, Utrecht University, Organizational Behavior Group, Intergroup Relations, Privilege, Gender & Physiology


Dr. Islam Borinca, University of Groningen, Social Psychology, Traditional Masculinity, Gender Norms, and Gender Stereotypes


Dr. Katharina Block, University of Amsterdam, Department of Psychology, Communal Roles, Men's Roles, Cross-Cultural Gender Roles


Professor Belle Derks, Utrecht University, Social, Health and Organizational Psychology, Gender Stereotypes, Social Identity, Work/Family Balance


Dr. Tanja Hentschel, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Business School, Gender Stereotypes, Career Choices, Leadership


Dr. Joyce Endendijk, Utrecht University, Child and Adolescent Studies, Gender Socialization (parents, peers, media, self), Gender Cognitions, Gender & Sexual Development


M.Sc. Vedika Lal, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Management and Organisation, Gender Stereotypes, Leadership


M.Sc. Madeline Langley, University of Groningen, Women's Empowerment, Cultural Psychology


M.Sc. Kshitij Mor, University of Groningen, Organizational Behaviour Group, LGBTQ+ Research, Diversity & Inclusion, Well-being at Work


Mertcan Mutlu, University of Groningen, Behavioural and Social Sciences, SGM Stress and Well-being, Self-silencing, Economic Abuse


M.Sc. Larisa Riedijk, Utrecht University, Social, Health and Organizational Psychology, Improving Gender-equal Task Division & Relationship Quality


Dr. Katrin Riisla, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Business School, Unethical Behavior, Leadership, Diversity


M.Sc. Onur Sahin, Utrecht University, Social, Health and Organizational Psychology, Domestic Division, Inclusion in Organizations


M.Sc. Kyra Van Hinsberg, University of Groningen, Human Resource Management and Organisational Behavior, Leadership, Glass Cliff, Women Leaders


Dr. Ruth Van Veelen, TNO Research Institute for Applied Sciences, Sustainable Productivity and Employability, Gender Stereotypes, Women in STEM, Professional Identity


Dr. Jenny Veldman, Utrecht University, Social, Health, and Organizational Psychology, Coping with Stigma, Social Identity and Group Inequalities in Organizations


Dr. Melissa Vink, Utrecht University, Social, Health, and Organizational Psychology, Close Relationships, Gender Stereotypes, Diversity & Inclusion


Professor Ute Gabriel, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Department of Psychology, Stereotypes and Text Comprehension


Professor Sarah Martiny, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Department of Psychology, Social Identity, Gender, Masculinity, Social Inequality, Self-Respect


M.Sc. Kine Bjørneby Olsen, UiT the Arctic University of Norway, Department of Psychology, Norms, Stereotypes, Gender


Dr. Maria Ingrid Teresa Olsson, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Department of Psychology, Men in Communal Roles, Parental Leave Policies, Gender Equality Indices 


Dr. Aino Petterson, University of Oslo, Department of Psychology, Gender Inequality, Sexism, Stereotypes


Professor Aleksandra Cislak, SWPS University, Department of Social Psychology, Social Power, Social Identity, Bibliometric Studies


Dr. Natasza Kosakowska-Berezecka, University of Gdańsk, Division of Cross-Cultural and Gender Psychology, Gender Stereotypes across Cultures, Gender Equality Paradox, Identity Threats, Manhood


Dr. Joanna Pyrkosz-Pacyna, AGH University, Faculty of Humanities, Women in STEM, Education & Career Trajectory, Gender Roles, Organizational & Entrepreneurial Psychology


M.Sc. Elena Piccinelli, ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, Centre for Psychological Research and Social Intervention, Perceived Discrimination, Psychological Acculturation, Intersectionality


M.Sc. Danna Galván Hernández, University of Granada, Social Psychology, Gender, Intergroup Relationships, Collective Actions


M.Sc. Elli Van Berlekom, Stockholm University, Department of Psychology, Transgender Issues, Gender Categorisation, Face Perception


M.Sc. Sofia Elena Bracco, Stockholm University, Department of Psychology, Trans & Gender Diverse people, LGBTQIA+ Community, Sexual & Gender Minorities


M.Sc. Clara Plueckelmann, Stockholm University, Department of Psychology, Gender, Equality


Dr. Marie Gustafsson Sendén, Stockholm University, Department of Psychology, Gender-Fair Language, Diversity, Inclusion, Stereotypes


M.Sc. Lucie Escasain, University of Fribourg, Department of Psychology, Gender Stereotypes, Gender-inclusive Language, Health


Dr. Martin Gramc, University of Zürich, Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine, Transgender, Intersex, LGBTIQ+


Dr. Tiziana Jäggi, University of Fribourg, Psychology, LGBT Research, Gender Minority Stress, Intersection of Language and Gender


M.Sc. Vladislav Krivoshchekov, University of Bern, Department of Psychology, Masculinities, Meta-science, Psychometrics


Professor Clara Kulich, University of Geneva, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Glass Cliff, Social Mobility, Ambivalent Sexism & Norms


Dr. Christa Nater, University of Bern, Department of Psychology, Gender Bias, Workplace Discrimination, Stereotypes


M.Sc. Franziska Magdalena Saxler, University of Bern, Social Psychology, Sexual Harassment, Cross-Cultural Gender Stereotypes, Work Psychology


Professor Sabine Sczesny, University of Bern, Social Neuroscience and Social Psychology, Stereotypes, Discrimination, Sexual Aggression


M.Sc. Sophie Stephan, University of Zurich, Institute for Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine (IBME), Social Identity, Social Dominance, Intergroup Processes


M.Sc. Gaëlle Venard, University of Lausanne, Institute of Psychology, Parenting, Gender Norms, Adolescence

United Arab Emirates

Professor Andrea Vial, New York University Abu Dhabi, Science / Psychology, Gender Stereotypes, Leadership, Organizational Culture

United Kingdom

M.Sc. Penelope Agranov, University of Kent, Psychology, Intimate Partner Violence, Gender Stereotypes, Feminism


Dr. April Bailey, The University of Edinburgh, Department of Psychology, Gender, Social Cognition, Androcentrism


M.Sc. Emily Bolton, The University of Edinburgh, Department of Psychology, Sexual Abuse, Power Motivation, Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)


Dr. Anna Bornioli, University of Surrey, Gender and Health in relation to Urban/Natural Environments, Gender Analyses


M.Sc. Julie Brattsti, The University of Edinburgh, Department of Psychology, Gender Roles, Sexual Objectification, Equality in Relationships


M.Sc. Federica Case, University of Surrey, School of Psychology, Stereotyping, Impression Formation, Mentoring


M.Sc. Zoe Kejun Chen-Zhao, The University of Edinburgh, Department of Psychology, Collective Action, Sexism, Neoliberalism


Dr. Fabio Fasoli, University of Surrey, School of Psychology, Sexual Prejudice, Derogatory Language, Sexual Objectification


Professor Peter Hegarty, The Open University, School of Psychology & Counselling, History of Psychology, Social Cognition, Language, Sexuality, Intersex


Dr. Levke Henningsen, University of Exeter, Business School, Leadership, Careers, Gender Workplace Incivility


Dr. Aífe Hopkins-Doyle, University of Surrey, School of Psychology, Gender Stereotyping, Sexism, Feminist Identity, Political Ideology, Collective Action, Meta-Perceptions


M.Sc. Bhakti Khati, Durham University, Department of Psychology, Transgender Rights, Abortion Rights, Morality


Dr. Morgana Lizzio-Wilson, University of Exeter, Department of Psychology, Collective Action, Ambivalent Sexism, Allyship


Professor Ruth Sealy, University of Exeter, Business School, Women on Boards, Qualitative Research, Board Diversity


M.Sc. Farida Soliman, Queen Mary University of London, Psycholinguistics, Gender Bias, Representation, Inclusion


Professor Robbie Sutton, University of Kent, Psychology, Feminism, Reproductive Justice, Gendered Violence


Professor Harriet Tenenbaum, University of Surrey, School of Psychology, Parent-Child Conversations, Social Justice, Exclusion


Dr. Miriam Zehnter, University of Exeter, Department of Psychology, Contemporary Sexism, Gender Stereotypes, Belief in Sexism Shift


Dr. Hannah Zibell, University of Kent, Sexism, Feminism, Cross-sex Friendships

Last modified Aug. 19, 2024 1:09 PM