INNStart for Game school students

Welcome to Game school at INN University, Campus Hamar.

Game school wants to give all students a pleasant welcome and a good start to the study program. 

During this first week, you will get to know campus Hamar, the city, your fellow students and the academic staff. You will receive usefull and practical information for your daily study life.

Sunday Aug 18th 13.00-16.00: Open campus
There are no activities happening this day, but you are welcome to drop by and look around campus. The library, cafeteria and book shop will be open, and the study administration will be available to answer your questions.

We look forward to meeting you on INN campus Hamar, 19th of August.

INNStart program

Monday 19th of August

10.00-10.40: Official opening ceremony

The study year 2024/2025 starts with an official opening ceremony outside the main building by the fountain.

 After the opening ceremony we will divide by study program and go to the rooms we will be in for the rest of the day. Follow the people holding up signs for your study program or find your room in TimeEdit.

11.00-15.00: Welcome as a new student at the Game School

In this session we will tell you about the Game School, Inland University and the study program you have chosen. We will have presentations of the staff, student organizations and lots of useful information to get you started. Around 12.00 we will have a lunch break; lunch will be provided for you this day.

 15.00-18.00: Barbeque in the school garden
We end the day with a barbeque in the school garden. There will be free food, music and nice people to talk to. You are welcome to come and hang out.


Tuesday 20th of August

10.00-14.00: City quest
Tuesday is all about fun and games. We start of with a city quest, a fun way to get to know your new classmates. In the process you will also get to see our very own Motion Capture studio.

14.00-15.00: Waffles and mingling
We gather back at campus for waffles and mingling. Fueling up for the afternoon session

15.00-18.00: Student life in Hamar

More info will come.


Wednesday 21th of August

On Wednesday we gather all the new Game School students for a joint session in auditorium 1.

10.00-11.30: Presentations from the city quest

11.30-12.00: Student democracy and election of student representatives

12.00-12.30: Lunch break (you have to get your own lunch this day)

12.30-14.00: “How to be a Game School student” by Bård Gunnerud and Håvard Vibeto

14.00: Fadderuka 2024 starts. Program will be announced soon