Digital Communication and Culture II

These courses are available to exchange students and full-degree students. If you want to apply for the full degree, please see the webpage of the degree.

Spring semester (January-June)
Full time
Teaching language
Application deadline
Oct. 15, 2024

About the courses

These courses are a part of the Master's degree in Digital Communication and Culture. Admission to single courses (not the degree) is only possible for exchange students from our partner institution. They are not open for free movers.

All courses mentioned in the drop-down list below are taught in English and offered only in the spring semesters.

Admission requirement

All students must have completed a bachelor’s degree or a degree recognized as equivalent, with a specialisation of at least 80 ECTS in the humanities, social sciences or media/communication studies. They must also be enrolled at a Master's degree at one of our partner institutions.

Courses in English

Please notice that some courses mentioned below may not be offered every semester. If you want to apply for these courses as an exchange student, contact the International Advisor of the Faculty of Education in Campus Hamar for additional information.

The following courses may be offered - combinations to be updated.

Spring 2025

Spring 2026

  • Cohesive Learning Design with VR Simulation (10 ECTS)
  • Digital Ethics (10 ECTS)
  • Digital Literature, Art, and Aesthetics (10 ECTS, offered two out of every three years)
  • Digitally Mediated Language Practices in a Post-Digital Age (10 ECTS, offered two out of every three years)
  • Games and Media Culture (10 ECTS)
  • Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence (10 ECTS, offered two out of every three years)

Links to the study plan of each course for the spring semester of 2026 will be updated when published. In the meantime, please look at the study plan for spring 2025.

Application deadline and admission

The course is available only for exchange students coming from our partner institutions. Contact the International Office/Department at your home institution to determine if you are eligible for exchange studies at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN).

The application deadline for exchange in the fall semester is 01 May.

This programme belongs to: Faculty of Education

Contact us

Picture of Toril Andersson Jøraandstad