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PhD Innovation in Services in the Public and Private Sectors (INSEPP)

PhD Innovation in Services in the Public and Private Sectors (INSEPP) shall contribute to the development of new knowledge about innovation in the public and private service sector. This includes understanding the uniqueness of service innovations, barriers and driving forces for innovation, innovation processes and the effects of service innovations.

3 years
Full time
Teaching language

About the doctoral degree

The PhD program is a three-year full-time study composed of an educational part and a research / dissertation part. The most important component of the PhD education is an independent research project that is carried out under active supervision.

The study aims to establish a balance between general research competence, a general theoretical and empirical competence within the program area and the PhD candidate's specialization within the sub-area where you are to write your own dissertation.

The training part consists of courses where the requirement to pass is normally written exams in the form of, for example, an essay or paper. The course composition must ensure high academic quality, where the PhD candidate in collaboration with the supervisor ensures that the course is followed so that the composition covers the requirements set for the course part. Parts of the course part are taken at other institutions, which also contributes to PhD candidates receiving impulses from outside and opportunities for networking.

The research at INSEPP covers topics such as:

  • Innovation processes in service production
  • Welfare innovation
  • Municipal innovation
  • Innovation in culture, tourism and experience industries
  • Social entrepreneurship

INSEPP is affiliated with Kompetansesenter for offentlig innovasjon (KOI) 

Completed PhD education leads to the degree of philosophiae doctor at INN University

Job opportunities

Research on innovation in service production has gained momentum over the past decade. It is also probable that companies and public enterprises will increasingly recruit labor with a PhD education. People with such competence will be able to be part of specialized functions and development units, and cover the need for cutting-edge competence.

Given the scope of the service industries in Norway (and other countries), knowledge development about innovation in public and private services will be of great relevance to working life. For example, major reforms have been implemented in the production of welfare services, and several major changes are likely to occur in the future. Increased knowledge of both the prerequisites for such service development, the service design itself, as well as the effects of new services, will therefore be useful for both service providers, policy providers and users. Another example is the need for more knowledge and competence about innovation in a number of industries that can be classified as tourism and experience industries.

Research institutes, the university and college sector are part of working life, and are naturally an obvious target group for people with a PhD education. In these sectors, there is a need for highly educated labor, and the need for recruitment is significant in the near future when the large post-war cohorts reach the ranks of pensioners.

Required coursework at INSEPP

The training component at INSEPP must contain courses corresponding to 35 ECTS. Of these, 30 ECTS consist of compulsory courses, and five (5) ECTS of elective courses. The compulsory courses must cover 10 ECTS in Philosophy of Science and Ethics of research, 10 ECTS in Innovation in Services in the Public and Private Sectors, and 10 ECTS in Research Method in Social Science. 20 ECTS of the compulsory courses are covered by courses offered at INN University, while 10 ECTS in Research Method in Social Science must be taken at another institution. The five elective ECTS can be taken at INN University or another institution.

Compulsory courses offered at INN University / INSEPP:

  • Course in Philosophy of Science and Ethics of research (10 ECTS). An annual course in tPhilosophy of Science and Ethics of research is offered to all PhD candidates at INN University
  • Courses in Innovation in Services in the Public and Private Sectors (10 ECTS). This course is offered every year at INN University

At INSEPP, three ECTS can be awarded in total in the training part for presentation of papers at research conferences. One (1) ECTS can be awarded for participation with paper at national conferences and two (2) ECTS for participation with paper at international conferences.

Application deadline and admission

See current requirements for acceptance

For admission to the PhD program, the applicant must normally have a master's degree (120 credits). The applicant must have a strong professional background from his previous studies; the average grade should normally be B or better from the master's program or equivalent education. Calculation of the average grade shall be weighted with the credits for each course and for the master's thesis.

More about acceptance for doctoral degree

How much does it cost?

Financed through announced PhD positions or other external funding.

Curricula and courses

In the study plan, you will find information about the study with, among other things, an overview of courses, learning objectives and forms of assessment.

Search all study plans search study plans and courses.

Student exchange

INN University wants to stimulate PhD candidates to complete a stay at a foreign teaching / research institution as part of their studies.

INN Unviersity has a collaboration agreement with Karlstad University (KaU) and an agreement with the University of California, Berkeley, on research stays, which is also open to PhD candidates.

Information about stay abroad for PhD candidates

NORSI – Nordic Research School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship

NORSI - Nordic Research School in Innovation and Entrepreneurship for PhD students in the Nordic countries within the field of innovation and entrepreneurship. NORSI is a network-based research school, where Inland Norway University College has been a partner institution since 2013. Together with its 28 institutional partners, NORSI offers a number of doctoral courses within innovation research. As a PhD candidate at INSEPP you can become a member of NORSI and attend current courses.

See more on NORSI's website.

Contact us

If you have questions about the PhD program, please contact one of our employees:

Picture of Martin Rønningen
Head of PhD programme
Picture of Randi Kvamme Bjørnestad
PhD coordinator