Sustainable leadership: transforming corporate strategies and culture for sustainable practics

An online course in sustainable management which is particularly suitable for those who want to develop their ability to lead sustainable development processes in a work content.

1 semester
Teaching language
Semester and course fee

About the Programme

The course will provide knowledge about organisational and management models and how they are used in the sustainable management of organisations, for example for problem solving, systems thinking, scenario analysis and management of learning organisations.

Job opportunities

Through the course participants will improve their ability to understand and work with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) in key organizational strategies. The participants will have the opportunity to develop and apply new ethical and moral perspectives, with relevance to the debate on sustainable development and the environment. This can be a critical competence for a number of businesses that must survive in a changing society.

Information about the online course

This course aims to train managers in sustainable development. Through an interdisciplinary approach, the focus will be on the philosophical, ethical and ecological/biological aspects of the work with sustainable development and the Sustainable Development Goals. As the socio-ecological challenges increase in strength, the need for a sustainability-oriented ethic becomes necessary. This is about appreciating nature's inherent value and fundamental importance for the development of sustainable societies.

The ethics will be carefully reviewed in light of politics, social justice, economics and ecology. In particular, the Nordic eco philosophers’ contribution to environmental ethics will be highlighted. The course will emphasize how philosophy, science and ethics can be linked together and thus contribute to a more sustainable society for the good of people, the environment, welfare and well-being.

To achieve the Sustainable Development Gaols, managers need knowledge of practical tools, approaches and perspectives.

Application deadline and admission

The admission requirements is general study competence or practical competence at an equivalent level.

Read more about application and admission

You can find the course in Søknadsweb "Betaling- og oppdragsstudier" -> "Betaling og oppdrag: Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk - vår 2024"

Admission deadline: 28.January 2024

How much does it cost?

Course fee NOK 14.100,-. In addition semester fee is required.

Read more about the semester fee

Further education opportunities

Other courses that are connected to this course that you may also be interested in:

Bærekraftig ledelse for mennesker, miljø og gjensidig velstand - en nordisk økofilosofisk tilnærming (7,5 credits and online). Taught in Norwegian only.

Science, ethics and wellbeing; The Role of science i guiding governance and management decisions towards happiness and a healthy environment(7,5 credits and online). Taught in English.

Implementering av bærekraftige praksiser i organisasjonen - for mennesker, miljø og gjensidig velstand (7,5 credits and online) Taught in Norwegian only

This programme belongs to: Faculty of Education

Contact us

Picture of Sacha Irene de Raaf

For questions about the admission process or other administrative matters, please contact