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Christina Niemi Mølstad


+47 62 51 72 90

Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk
Institutt for pedagogikk ved lærerutdanningene
Studiested Hamar, Rom 2P239


  • Mølstad, Christina Elde (2024). The Return to Bildung in the Shape of Learning Outcomes. I Trifonas, Peter Pericles & Jagger, Susan (Red.), Handbook of Curriculum Theory and Research. Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-82976-6. s. 489–505. doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-21155-3_16.
  • Somby, Hege Merete; Stalheim, Odd Rune; Mølstad, Christina Elde; Bjørnsrud, Kari Myren & Isaksen, Aurora Johanne (2022). Augmented reality in mathematics: Enhancing pupils’ everyday school lives . Digital Culture and Education. ISSN 1836-8301. 14(3), s. 87–104. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lennert Da Silva, Ana Lucia & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2022). Lærerautonomi i spennet mellom styring og profesjonelt samarbeid. I Mausethagen, Sølvi & Helstad, Kristin (Red.), Skoleutvikling - i forskning, politikk og praksis. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202717728. s. 196–213.
  • Lennert Da Silva, Ana Lucia & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2020). Teacher autonomy and teacher agency: a comparative study in Brazilian and Norwegian lower secondary education. Curriculum Journal. ISSN 0958-5176. 31(1), s. 115–131. doi: 10.1002/curj.3. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Prøitz, Tine S. & Dieudè, Alessandra (2020). When assessment defines the content—understanding goals in between teachers and policy. Curriculum Journal. ISSN 0958-5176. doi: 10.1002/curj.74. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Restad, Frode & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2020). Social and emotional skills in curriculum reform: a red line for measurability? Journal of Curriculum Studies. ISSN 0022-0272. doi: 10.1080/00220272.2020.1716391.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Pettersson, Daniel (2019). Introduction. I Mølstad, Christina Elde & Petterson, Daniel (Red.), New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education: Conducting Empirically Based Research. Routledge. ISSN 9781138612853. s. 1–17.
  • Gran, Lillian; Petterson, Daniel & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2019). Digital bildung: Norwegian students´understanding of teaching and learning with ict. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. ISSN 1891-943X. 14(1-2), s. 23–36. doi: 10.18261/ISSN.1891-943X-2019-01-02-03. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Chakraborty, Sarbani; Mølstad, Christina Elde; Feng, Jingying & Pettersson, Daniel (2019). The Reception of Large-scale Assessments in China and India. I Mølstad, Christina Elde & Petterson, Daniel (Red.), New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education: Conducting Empirically Based Research. Routledge. ISSN 9781138612853. doi: 10.4324/9780429464904-11.
  • Urban-Andreas, Johansson & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2019). School Certification: Marketing Schools by Appearance . I Mølstad, Christina Elde & Petterson, Daniel (Red.), New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education: Conducting Empirically Based Research. Routledge. ISSN 9781138612853.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2018). Soft Infusion: Constructing ‘Teachers’ in the PISA Sphere, Education Policies and the Restructuring of the Educational Profession - Global and Comparative Perspectives. Springer Nature. ISSN 978-981-10-8278-8. s. 13–26. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-8279-5.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2018). Teacher-chameleons: the glue in the alignment of teacher practices and learning in policy. Journal of Curriculum Studies. ISSN 0022-0272. doi: 10.1080/00220272.2018.1504120.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Pettersson, Daniel (2018). Who governs the numbers? The framing of educational knowledge by TIMSS research. I Lindblad, Sverker; Pettersson, Daniel & Popkewitz, Thomas S. (Red.), Education by the numbers and the making of society. Routledge. ISSN 9781138295834. s. 166–184. doi: 10.4324/9781315100432-14.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Forsberg, Eva (2017). A game of thrones: Organizing and legitimizing knowledge through PISA research. European Educational Research Journal. ISSN 1474-9041. 16(6), s. 869–884. doi: 10.1177/1474904117715835.
  • Pettersson, Daniel & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2016). PISA Teachers: The Hope and the Happening of Educational Development . Educação & Sociedade. ISSN 0101-7330. 37(136), s. 629–645. doi: 10.1590/ES0101-73302016165509.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Karseth, Berit (2016). National curricula in Norway and Finland: The role of learning outcomes. European Educational Research Journal. ISSN 1474-9041. 15(3), s. 329–344. doi: 10.1177/1474904116639311.
  • Mausethagen, Sølvi & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2015). Shifts in Curriculum Control: Contesting Ideas of Teacher Autonomy. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. ISSN 2002-0317. doi: 10.3402/nstep.v1.28520. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde (2015). State-based curriculum-making: approaches to local curriculum work in Norway and Finland. Journal of Curriculum Studies. ISSN 0022-0272. 47(4), s. 441–461. doi: 10.1080/00220272.2015.1039067.
  • Mausethagen, Sølvi & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2014). Licence to teach? Læreplananalyse og profesjonsutvikling. I Elstad, Eyvind & Helstad, Kristin (Red.), Profesjonsutvikling i skolen. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-02355-7. s. 152–167.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Hansén, Sven-Erik (2013). The Curriculum as a Governing Instrument - A Comparative Study of Finland and Norway. Education Inquiry. ISSN 2000-4508. 4(4), s. 1–19. doi: 10.3402/edui.v4i4.23219.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Tronvoll, Åse Wedø; Kampmann-Jensen, Trine; Høglind, Hanne; Pesch, Anja Maria & Mølstad, Christina Niemi (2024). Å synliggjøre samisk språk og kultur i barnehagen. Utdanningsnytt.no.
  • Lennert Da Silva, Ana Lucia & Mølstad, Christina Niemi (2024). Professional work with the national curriculum​.
  • Tronvoll, Åse; Nilsen, Merethe & Mølstad, Christina Niemi (2023). Early Childhood teacher profession in the space between national curriculum and professional tools.
  • Nilsen, Merethe & Mølstad, Christina Niemi (2023). Early Childhood teacher profession in the space between national curriculum and professional tools.
  • Lennert Da Silva, Ana Lucia & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2023). Teacher agency in an accountability context.
  • Nilsen, Merethe & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2023). Early childhood teacher profession in the space between national curriculum and professional tools.
  • Lennert Da Silva, Ana Lucia & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2023). Teacher agency and professional collaboration in a context of educational accountability.
  • Tronvoll, Åse Wedø; Nilsen, Merethe & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2022). Profesjonsutøvelse i spennet mellom statlig styring og pedagogiske verktøy.
  • Lennert Da Silva, Ana Lucia & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2022). Lærerautonomi i spennet mellom styring og profesjonelt samarbeid.
  • Iversen, Jonas Yassin; Mølstad, Christina Elde & Somby, Hege Merete (2021). Norwegian culture as premise for Sámi perspectives: an analysis of the revised Norwegian national curriculum .
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Somby, Hege Merete & Iversen, Jonas Yassin (2021). Norsk som premiss for det samiske – en læreplananalyse av overgangen fra LK06/S til LK20/S .
  • Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Mølstad, Christina Elde; Dieudè, Alessandra & Wiig, Astrid Camilla (2020). LEARNING OUTCOMES CHANGING EDUCATION – TRACES OF POLICY IN PRACTICE.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde (2019). Ulike perspektiver læreplanteori/styringsteori - og forskningsfunn.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Pettersson, Daniel (2019). International Curriculum Making: the McKinsey, the OECD and the Pearson Company.
  • Prøitz, Tine Sophie & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2019). Læringsutbytte i politikk og praksis.
  • Lennert Da Silva, Ana Lucia & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2019). The multidimensionality of teacher autonomy – a comparative study in São Paulo state (Brazilian) and Norwegian schools.
  • Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Pettersson, Daniel & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2019). Jeg, du, meg og deg: Hva kan vi egentlig lære av PISA? Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-2052. 103(01), s. 42–52.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2018). Soft infusion:Constructing teachers within the PISA sphere.
  • Gran, Lillian & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2018). Bildung perspectives by students in a modern society .
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Langaas, Ylva & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2018). Differences in curriculum content in the Norwegian and Science curriculum.
  • Andreas, Johansson & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2018). Selling Schools by Appearance.
  • Langaas, Ylva & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2017). Prosess, prosess, prosess og prosess: En analyse av en veileder for lærere.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Forsberg, Eva (2017). Methods of Portraying Curriculum Research.
  • Lilja, Søberg & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2017). A Curriculum in the hyper complex knowledge society.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2017). Alignment of teacher practices and student learning in policy documents.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2017). ’Teachers’ in the PISA sphere.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2017). Soft infusion: Constructing ’teachers’ in the PISA sphere.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Forsberg, Eva (2017). Scientific Framing of Curriculum Research: Experts or Algorithms? .
  • Langaas, Ylva & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2017). Teachers understanding of output control.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Lindblad, Sverker (2017). Comparative reasoning: curriculum making in the ‘grey zone’?
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Forsberg, Eva (2017). Experts or Algorithms in the Framing of Curriculum Research .
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Prøitz, Tine Sophie (2017). The vision of alignment of teacher practices and student learning in policy documents .
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Pettersson, Daniel (2016). Legitimization of Educational Knowledge through TIMSS research.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Forsberg, Eva (2016). International Large-Scale Assessment Research: Scholarly Organization of Knowledge.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Forsberg, Eva (2016). International Large-Scale Assessment Research: The Intellectual Frame of PISA and TIMSS Knowledge.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Pettersson, Daniel (2016). The Making of Educational Facts: The PISA narrative on teachers and teaching.
  • Aasen, Ann Margareth & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2015). Relasjonskvalitet.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde; Pettersson, Daniel & Forsberg, Eva (2015). PISA as curriculum research?
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Mausethagen, Sølvi (2015). Curriculum developer or implementer? Controversies over teachers’ individual autonomy.
  • Mausethagen, Sølvi & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2014). Licence to teach? The entangled relationship between teacher autonomy and emerging accountability.
  • Mausethagen, Sølvi & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2014). Licence to teach? Curriculum analysis and professional Development. I symposium: Curriculum, assessment policies and learning outcomes .
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Karseth, Berit (2014). National curricula in Norway and Finland: the role of learning outcomes.
  • Mausethagen, Sølvi & Mølstad, Christina Elde (2013). Læreroppfatninger av handlingsrom i læreplanen.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Karseth, Berit (2013). Curricula in Norway and Finland – governing by learning outcomes?
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Karseth, Berit (2013). The national curriculum: moribund? How global trends have an impact on curriculum as an tradition.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Karseth, Berit (2012). The Regulatory Architecture of the Curriculum: The impact of the introduction of national qualifications frameworks as a regulative tool.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde & Hansén, Sven-Erik (2012). CURRICULUM AND GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES: Curriculum as governance structures at national level in Finland and Norway.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde (2011). Curriculum text in Norway and Finland.
  • Restad, Frode; Fritze, Yvonne; Mølstad, Christina Elde & Eriksen, Ingunn Marie (2021). Curriculum Making for Social Learning. Exploring Policy and Practice in Norwegian Lower Secondary Education. . Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences.
  • Mølstad, Christina Elde (2015). State-Based Curriculum-Making – A Study of Curriculum in Norway and Finland. Universitetet i Oslo.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin



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