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Kjell Tryggestad


+47 62 43 04 58

Handelshøgskolen Innlandet – Fakultet for økonomi og samfunnsvitenskap
Institutt for økonomifag
Studiested Rena, Rom 3Ø225

Kort om

Kjell Tryggestad er professor i virksomhetsstyring ved institutt for økonomifag. Hans forskningsinteresser omfatter studier av økonomistyring og regnskap i en organisatorisk kontekst, så som store komplekse prosjekter og driftsorganisasjoner i privat og offentlig sektor.  Studiene er orientert mot å forstå hvilken rolle økonomistyring og regnskap spiller i strategiske- og organisatoriske endringsprosesser, for eksempel i reformer av sykehusstrukturer, politiets distriktsorganisasjon, privatisering/outsourcing i forsvaret, utvikling av nye bærekraftige/sirkulærøkonomiske produkter og tjenester i byggeriet og i medisinsk-tekniske virksomheter. Han har publisert i bøker og tidsskrifter innen regnskap og økonomistyring, organisasjonsstudier, prosjektledelse, sosiologi og markedsføring. I sin forskning bruker han økonomisk organisasjonsteori, spesielt aktør-nettverksteori, supplert med case-studier av de empiriske prosessene.


  • Skærbæk, Peter; Themsen, Tim Neerup & Tryggestad, Kjell (2024). How a project design becomes a macro-actor: laboratory simulations in trials of strength between competing bridge designs, project budgets and sustainability. Qualitative research in organization and management. ISSN 1746-5648. doi: 10.1108/QROM-09-2023-2594.
  • Skærbæk, Peter; Themsen, Tim Neerup & Tryggestad, Kjell (2024). How a project design becomes a macro-actor – Laboratory simulations in the trials of strength between competing bridge designs, project budgets, and sustainability. . Qualitative research in organization and management. ISSN 1746-5648.
  • Skærbæk, Peter; Tryggestad, Kjell & Christensen, Mark (2023). Economics performativity and its consequences for accounting and organizational spaces: the case of public sector reforms. I Guzman, Gustavo; Diedrich, Andreas & Cochoy, Franck (Red.), Space and Organizing: On Spatial Agencing. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 1800881568. s. 104–121. doi: 10.4337/9781800881563.00013.
  • Skærbæk, Peter; Tryggestad, Kjell Ivar & Christensen, Mark (2023). Økonomiske teoriers negative påvirkning på reformer. En studie av en politireform. Praktisk økonomi & finans. ISSN 1501-0074. 39(1), s. 77–91. doi: 10.18261/pof.39.1.8.
  • Jacobsen, Peter Holm; Tryggestad, Kjell & Harty, Chris (2020). Design as redesign in the case of architectural competitions: The role of design visualisations and juries. Culture and Organization. ISSN 1475-9551. doi: 10.1080/14759551.2020.1778697. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Harty, Chris & Jacobsen, Peter Holm (2019). Bringing the Building Back In: Implications for Studying Organizations, Context in action and how to study it: Illustrations from health care. Oxford University Press. ISSN 9780198805304. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780198805304.003.0006.
  • Hugosson, Erik Mårten; Stevik, Kristin; Søberg, Per & Tryggestad, Kjell (2019). Forming innovative projects in sustainable construction: how socio-technical connectivity shapes the building project and its context. I Havenvid, Malena Ingemansson; Linné, Åse; Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth & Harty, Chris (Red.), The Connectivity of Innovation in the Construction Industry. Routledge. ISSN 9780815363224. s. 11–32. doi: 10.1201/9781351110198-2.
  • Christensen, Mark; Skærbæk, Peter & Tryggestad, Kjell (2019). Contested organizational change and accounting in trials of incompatibility. Management Accounting Research. ISSN 1044-5005. 45. doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2019.03.001. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Whyte, Jennifer; Tryggestad, Kjell & Comi, Alice (2016). Visualizing practices in project-based design: tracing connections through cascades of visual representations. Engineering Project Organization Journal. ISSN 2157-3727. 6(NOS 2-4), s. 115–128. doi: 10.1080/21573727.2016.1269005.
  • Sage, Daniel; Justesen, Lise; Dainty, Andrew; Tryggestad, Kjell & Mouritsen, Jan (2016). Organizing space and time through relational human–animal boundary work: Exclusion, invitation and disturbance. Organization. ISSN 1350-5084. s. 1–17. doi: 10.1177/1350508416629449.
  • Harty, Chris; Jacobsen, Peter Holm & Tryggestad, Kjell (2015). Constructing Healthcare Spaces - The Complex Role of Visualisations in Negotiating Hospital Designs and Practices. Procedia Economics and Finance. ISSN 2212-5671. 21, s. 578–585. doi: 10.1016/S2212-5671(15)00215-4.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Harty, Chris (2015). The hospital building as project and matter of concern: the role of representations in negotiating patient room designs and bodies. Engineering Project Organization Journal. ISSN 2157-3727. doi: 10.1080/21573727.2015.1046047.
  • Harty, Chris; Themsen, Tim Neerup & Tryggestad, Kjell (2014). Risk management and uncertainty in infrastructure projects – What role(s) for knowledge and construction management?. I Raiden, A* & Aboagye-Nimo, E (Red.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual ARCOM Conference, 1st-3rd September 2014. Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM). ISSN 978-0-9552390-8-3. s. 1253–1262.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2014). Projektledelse. I Kjær, Peter & Vikkelsø, Signe (Red.), Klassisk og moderne organisationsteori. Hans Reitzels Forlag. ISSN 9788741255897. s. 523–542.
  • Sage, Daniel; Dainty, Andrew; Tryggestad, Kjell; Justesen, Lise & Mouritsen, Jan (2014). Building with wildlife: project geographies and cosmopolitics in infrastructure construction. Construction Management and Economics. ISSN 0144-6193. 32(7-8), s. 773–786. doi: 10.1080/01446193.2014.911933.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Justesen, Lise & Mouritsen, Jan (2013). Project temporalities: how frogs can become stakeholders. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. ISSN 1753-8378. 6(1), s. 69–87. doi: 10.1108/17538371311291035.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Reijonen, Satu (2012). The dynamic signification of product qualities: on the possibility og "greening" markets. Consumption Markets & Culture. ISSN 1025-3866. 15(2), s. 213–234. doi: 10.1080/10253866.2012.654961.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Georg, Susse (2011). How objects shape logics in construction. Culture and Organization. ISSN 1475-9551. 17(3), s. 181–197. doi: 10.1080/14759551.2011.569383.
  • Skærbæk, Peter & Tryggestad, Kjell (2010). The role of accounting devices in performing corporate strategy. Accounting, Organizations and Society. ISSN 0361-3682. 36(1), s. 108–124. doi: 10.1016/j.aos.2009.01.003.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Georg, Susse & Hernes, Tor (2010). Constructing buildings and design ambitions. Construction Management and Economics. ISSN 0144-6193. 28(6), s. 695–705. doi: 10.1080/01446191003755441.
  • Georg, Susse & Tryggestad, Kjell (2009). On the emergence of roles in construction: the qualculative role of project management. Construction Management and Economics. ISSN 0144-6193. 27(10), s. 969–981. doi: 10.1080/01446190903181096..
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2005). Technological strategy as macro-actor: How humanness might be made of steel. 2nd edition, 2020, B. Czarniawska & T. Hernes (eds.): Actor-Network Theory and Organizing. Liber. doi: ISBN%209789144138879.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2005). Technological strategy as macro-actor: how humanness might be made of steel. I Czarniawska, Barbara & Hernes, Tor (Red.), B. Czarniawska and T. Hernes (Eds.): Actor-network theory and organizing. Liber. ISSN 87-630-0144-6. s. 31–45.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2005). Natural and political markets: organizing the transfer of technology and knowledge. Economy and Society. ISSN 0308-5147. 34(4), s. 589–611. doi: 10.1080/03085140500277195.
  • Kreiner, Kristian & Tryggestad, Kjell (2002). The co-production of chip and society: unpacking packaged knowledge. Scandinavian Journal of Management. ISSN 0956-5221. 18(3), s. 421–449. doi: 10.1016/S0956-5221(01)00006-9.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Borum, Finn (2001). Organisationen. I Kristensen, Finn Børlum; Hørder, Mogens & Poulsen, Peter Bo (Red.), Metodehåndbog for Medicinsk Teknologivurdering. Statens Institut for Medicinsk Teknologivurdering. ISSN 8790951786. s. 85–95.
  • Carlsson, Bo; Taymaz, Erol & Tryggestad, Kjell (1995). The Economic Impact of Factory Automation. I Carlsson, Bo (Red.), Technological Systems and Economic Performance: The Case of Factory Automation. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN 0792335120. s. 391–416.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (1995). Sourcing of advanced manufacturing technology: The role of customer-supplier interaction. I Carlsson, Bo (Red.), Technological Systems and Economic Performance: The Case of Factory Automation. Kluwer Academic Publishers. ISSN 0792335120. s. 211–239.
  • Carlsson, Bo; Taymaz, Erol & Tryggestad, Kjell (1994). Factory automation and economic performance: a micro-to-micro analysis. I Granstad, Ove (Red.), Economics of Technology. Elsevier. ISSN 0444815066. s. 37–63.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (1993). National technological systems in a globalized economy. I Brundenius, Claes & Göransson, Bo (Red.), New technologies and global restructuring : the third world at a crossroads. Taylor Graham. ISSN 0947568581. s. 102–135.

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  • Larsen, Christine Lundberg & Tryggestad, Kjell (2023). Avslutning og veien videre, Regnskap og økonomistyring i sirkulære virksomheter. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202809416. s. 228–237.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Larsen, Christine Lundberg (2023). Regnskapets rolle i sirkulærøkonomiske virksomheter – en introduksjon, Regnskap og økonomistyring i sirkulære virksomheter. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISSN 9788202809416. s. 15–36.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Skærbæk, Peter (2022). " Politireformer: Hvordan økonomiske teorier bidrar til reformsvikt i offentlig sektor".
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Skærbæk, Peter (2022). " Politireformer: Hvordan økonomiske teorier bidrar til reformsvikt i offentlig sektor".
  • Philipsen, Thomas Skinnerup; Skærbæk, Peter & Tryggestad, Kjell (2022). The trials of strength between economics and accounting – Making the Danish universities’ productivity measurable.
  • Skærbæk, Peter; Tryggestad, Kjell & Christensen, Mark (2021). Economics and the mediator role of accounting in performing organizational spaces – the case of public sector reforms. Retitled: Economics performativity and its consequences for accounting and organizational spaces – the case of public sector reforms. .
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Larsen, Christine Lundberg; Alu, Gunnar; Sundalskleiv, Lene Naustvik & Ellefsen, Hans Christian (2021). En forskningsagenda: Hvilken rolle spiller regnskap for sirkulærøkonomiske virksomheter?
  • Skærbæk, Peter; Tryggestad, Kjell & Christensen, Mark (2020). Economics and the mediator role of accounting in performing organizational spaces – the case of public sector reforms.
  • Christensen, Mark J.; Skærbæk, Peter & Tryggestad, Kjell (2020). Erratum to “Contested organizational change and accounting in trials of incompatibility”. Management Accounting Research. ISSN 1044-5005. 47. doi: 10.1016/j.mar.2020.100693.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Søberg, Per & Hugosson, Erik Mårten (2019). Managing Risk and Uncertainty in Sustainable Construction Innovation: The Role of the Partnering Contract.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell & Skulberg, Knut Ragnvald (2019). Hva kan bio-sirkulær økonomi i praksis lære oss om bærekraftig utvikling/ Inneklima? Presentation til seminariet « Agenda bærekraft –Nytt hovedsykehus Innlandet».
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Hugosson, Erik Mårten & Søberg, Per (2018). Tryggestad, K., Hugosson, M., and Søberg, P. (2018). Managing risk and uncertainty in sustainable construction innovation: the role of the partnering contract. In C. Gorse and C. J. Neilson, (Eds.), Proceedings of the 34th Annual ARCOM Conference, 3-5 September 2018, Belfast, UK. Associa-tion of Researchers in Construction Management, 495-504. ISSBN/ISSN: 978-0-9955463-2-5. Pub-lished by ARCOM, Association of Researchers in Construction Management.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2018). Bio-sirkulær økonomi.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2018). Hva kan bio-sirkulær økonomi i praksis lære oss om bærekraftig utvikling?Forskningsdagene 27 september 2018.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Harty, Chris & Jacobsen, Peter Holm (2017). The building as context and object – or how to design new hospital buildings and healthcare organizations.
  • Bjurstrøm, Erik; Hugosson, Erik Mårten; Lagerstedt, M.; Stevik, Kristin; Søberg, Per & Tryggestad, Kjell (2017). The connectivity of innovation in sustainable construction – what roles for accounting in shaping the wood building project and its context?
  • Hugosson, Erik Mårten; Søberg, Per & Tryggestad, Kjell (2017). Risk and uncertainty in innovation projects in the construction industry - the role of the interaction type contract.
  • Christensen, M; Skærbæk, Peter & Tryggestad, Kjell (2016). The experimental role of accounting in shaping project – program dynamics in military outsourcing trials of strength .
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2016). Innovasjon for en bærekraftig framtid - trebyggeri på Høgskolen i Hedmark, Campus Evenstad.
  • Stevik, Kristin; Tryggestad, Kjell; Bjurstrøm, Erik & Søberg, Per (2015). Norwegian woods: building a public university – innovating a sustainable future.
  • Stevik, Kristin; Tryggestad, Kjell; Bjurstrøm, Erik & Søberg, Per (2015). Norwegian woods: building a public university – innovating a sustainable future.
  • Harty, Chris; Tryggestad, Kjell & Jacobsen, Peter Holm (2015). Visualisations and calculations of spaces: negotiating hospital design during on-boarding.
  • Themsen, Tim Neerup; Harty, Chris & Tryggestad, Kjell (2015). Risk management and uncertainty in large construction- and infrastructure projects: What roles for knowledge and project management?
  • Tryggestad, Kjell; Skærbæk, Peter & Christensen, Mark (2015). Accounting inscriptions in outsourcing trials of strength: Time-space dynamics.
  • Pemsel, Sofia; Aubry, Monique & Tryggestad, Kjell (2014). The role of actions, ideas and transitions in linking the temporary and the permanent organization: The case of evidence-based practice harmonization.
  • Lundin, R. & Tryggestad, Kjell (2014). Guest editorial. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. ISSN 1753-8378. 8(1). doi: 10.1108/IJMPB-10-2014-0074.
  • Harty, Chris & Tryggestad, Kjell (2012). Materiality and visualisation in hospital design: How big is big enough?
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2002). Forklaringens nye grænsedragning: en emergerende tredje vej. I Kreiner, Kristian & Scheuer, Steen (Red.), Forskning i praksis : artikelsamling. Nyt fra samfundsvidenskaberne. ISSN 87-7034-324-1. s. 249–266.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (2018). Forskergruppen BIOØK (Bioøkonomi) - Årsrapport 2017. Eget prosjekt.
  • Tryggestad, Kjell (1995). Teknologistrategier og postmoderne kapitalisme : introduksjon av computerbasert produksjonsteknikk. Lund university press. ISSN 91-7966-336-2.

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