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Leigh Price

Leigh Price



Fakultet for lærerutdanning og pedagogikk
Institutt for pedagogikk – Lillehammer
Studiested Lillehammer

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Dr. Leigh Price lectures in philosophy of science, education for sustainability, and special pedagogy. Her educational research interests are underpinned by Bhaskarian philosophy of science. She has written extensively on the concept of interdisciplinarity and co-authored Interdisciplinarity and Wellbeing (2018) with Roy Bhaskar and Berth Danermark. She is currently part of a research project that is exploring the educational experiences of children with forced-migration backgrounds during COVID. She is also working on the application of third generation systems theory to educational settings.  Dr. Leigh Price's  early research, in the field of ecology, was quantitative and reflected the scientific philosophy of Karl Popper. In her Master’s thesis, she combined multivariate statistical analysis with applied anthropological research known as Rapid Rural Appraisal, later called Participatory Action Research. Her PhD looked at sustainable development education in business and industry. It was inspired by actor network theory and poststructuralism (notably Donna Haraway), Peircean pragmatism (notably Susan Haack), critical discourse analysis (notably Norman Fairclough and  Lilie Chouliaraki) and critical realism (Roy Bhaskar). She heads the research group Critical Realism - Interdisciplinarity, Sustainability, Education and Social Science (CRISES), which supports research that deals with the complex problems of the world. She is a Director of the Roy Bhaskar Centre and General Editor of Journal of Critical Realism.

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