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Lucas Nahuel Lopez

Lucas Nahuel Lopez


+47 61 28 75 36

Fakultet for anvendt økologi, landbruksfag og bioteknologi
PhD kandidater- Institutt for skog og utmarksfag
Studiested Evenstad

Kort om

Short description

Lucas N. Lopez is a PhD candidate in Applied Ecology and Biotechnology. Research topic: “Ecosystem services and alternative silvicultural approaches in Norwegian forest


Publications (excerpt)

Lopez, L., Cuchietti, A., García, S., Rost, I., Bono, J., 2022. National Native Forest Inventory of Argentina, in Ramírez, C., Alberdi, I., Bahamondez, C. & Freitas, J. 2022. National Forest Inventories of Latin America and the Caribbean – Towards the harmonization of forest information. Rome, FAO.

Mohebalian, P. M., Lopez, L. N., Tischner, A. B., & Aguilar, F. X., 2022. Deforestation in South America's tri-national Paraná Atlantic Forest: Trends and associational factors. Forest Policy and Economics137, 102697.

Eibl, B. I., Montagnini, F., López, L. N., Romero, H. F., Dummel, C. J., Küppers, G., ... & De La Vega, M. A., 2022. Conservation and Registration of Seed Sources in Reserve Remnants in the Province of Misiones, Argentina. In Biodiversity Islands: Strategies for Conservation in Human-Dominated Environments (pp. 157-181). Springer, Cham.

Eibl, B. I., Dummel, C., Lopez, L. N., Niella, F., Kuppers, G., Montagnini, F., Cortes, J., De la Vega, M., Gonzalez, C., 2021. Registro de Áreas y árboles y la certificación de frutos, semillas y plantas de especies nativas de la Selva Paranaense. Capitulo V. En: Libro Reserva Uso Múltiple Guaraní. Editores Dummel, C., Broz, D., Gatti, G., Maiocco, D., Eibl, B. Editorial Universitaria. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Manuscript in preparation

Rocha, P., Niella, F., Keller, H., Montagnini, F., Metzel, R., Eibl, B., Kornel, J., Romero, F., López, L., Araujo, J., & Barquinero, J., 2017. Ecological indigenous (EIK) and scientific (ESK) knowledge integration as a tool for sustainable development in indigenous communities. Experience in Misiones, Argentina. In Integrating landscapes: agroforestry for biodiversity conservation and food sovereignty (pp. 235-260). Springer, Cham.


Short bio

Work experience

2021 - 2022:    Coordinated a regional office of the National Forestry Department - Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Argentina (MAyDS)

2019 - 2021:    Coordinated the National Forest Inventory - MAyDS

2018 - 2019:    Coordinated the National Forest Inventory as part of the UN-REDD Programme. Representation FAO Argentina

2015 - 2016:    Deputy Extension Secretariat. School of Forestry Science - National University of Misiones

2014 - 2018:    Faculty Staff.  School of Forestry Science - National University of Misiones           




2022 - present: PhD candidate at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Evenstad Campus

2012 - 2014:   Master studies in Forestry. University of Missouri - Columbia. The School of Natural Resources - Department of Forestry, US

2003 - 2010:   Forest Engineer. National University of Misiones, School of Forestry Science, Argentina. Including six months as DAAD fellowship at the Silviculture Department - University of Freiburg, Germany; and six months at the School of Agriculture and Forestry Science - National University of La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina



ERASMUS+ Staff Mobility. Bialystok, Poland. Mobility activity for teaching from 4th to 8th of Dec. at the Faculty of Forestry, Bialystok University of Technology. December 2017

Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program (LACEEP) Fellowship. Turrialba, Costa Rica. Course: Causal Inference and Evidence-based. Policy. September 2016

U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Grant, Phoenix, Arizona, US Fulbright enrichment seminar: Global Challenges, Local Solutions. February 2014

Fulbright – National Ministry of Education Fellowship. Master Program at the University of Missouri. August 2012 – August 2014

Fulbright - Institute of International Education - Department of State’s Bureau of Educational Grant, University of California, Davis. US. Course: Fulbright English for Graduate Studies Program July 2012 – August 2012


Research groups





  • Mohebalian, Phillip; Lopez, Lucas; Tischner, Angela & Aguilar, Francisco X. (2022). Deforestation in South America's tri-national Paraná Atlantic Forest: Trends and associational factors. Forest Policy and Economics. ISSN 1389-9341. 137. doi: 10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102697.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine; Lopez, Lucas; Franklin, Oskar; Kalén, Christer & Nabhani, Abbas (2023). Consequences of moose browsing on timber production, management and multiple societal returns.
  • Lopez, Lucas; Nabhani, Abbas; Aguilar, Francisco X. & Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine (2023). Impacts of biodiversity and carbon policies on forest management across site productivity classes in Norway.
  • Lopez, Lucas; Cuchietti, Anibal; Garcia, Santiago Alvarez; Rost, Ivan; Bono, Julieta & Garcia, Daniela (2022). NATIONAL NATIVE FOREST INVENTORY OF ARGENTINA, National Forest Inventories of Latin America and the Caribbean Towards the harmonization of forest information. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). ISSN 978-92-5-136394-2. s. 61–74. doi: https:/doi.org/10.4060/cb7791en.
  • Lopez, Lucas; Sjølie, Hanne Kathrine & Nabhani, Abbas (2022). Impacts of biodiversity and carbon policies on Norway’s forest management and industry competitiveness.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin



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