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Simon Jon Andreasen

Simon Jon Andreasen


director and storyworld researcher

+47 62 43 02 29

Fakultet for audiovisuelle medier og kreativ teknologi
Institutt for spillutdanninger – Spillskolen
Studiested Hamar

Kort om

Simon Jon Andreasen has made it his mission to develop and share knowledge about storyworld creation. The research is based on his vast experience creating stories across multiple media for major publishers around the world. In the last seven years Simon has worked at the National Filmschool of Denmark heading the Director of Animation education and the danish game academy DADIU. At Game School (Høyskolen Innlandet) Simon is doing the artistic phd project THE STORYWORLD ADAPTATION GAME. In this project Simon is developing an actual storyworld called CITIZEN STREET exploring how it can be used for creating experiences by professionals in film, theater, tv, games, litterature and other storytelling artforms.





Høgskolen i Innlandet
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum