B 6. Writing for publication

We are pleased to inform you that our successful writing for publication workshops will be offered again in 2024.


About the course

This is an elective course offered as part of the coursework component of the PhD programme in Teaching and Teacher Education (PROFF) at the Faculty of Education at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN University). 

  • ECTS: 2
  • Language of instruction: English
  • Dates: October 21 - 25, 2024
  • Location: Hamar
  • Number of participants: there will be 20 available places on this writing course.
  • Registration deadline: 23 september 2024. Please contact Tove Knudsen at tove.knudsen@inn.no if you are interested in attending.
  • More information (in Norwegian only)

Who can attend

This is a course at the  PhD level which requires that you are admitted to a PhD programme. The course is also open to other participants who fulfil the ph.d.-programme admission requirements (a master's degree with an average grade of B).

In the event that there are more applicants than spaces, candidates will be prioritized as follows:

  1. PhD students at PROFF
  2. Employees at the Faculty of Education at INN University
  3. Other PhD students at INN University
  4. PhD candidates from other institutions


Please contact Tove Knudsen at tove.knudsen@inn.no if you are interested in attending.

Course description

From October 21th  to 25th, there will be a week of workshops designed to help doctoral students who are interested in developing their academic writing for publication.

Morning sessions

In the mornings there will be a series of presentations, discussions and activities which aim to develop your understanding of the publishing marketplace and how to develop your academic profile. These sessions will involve a speaker offering a personal and professional insight into particular aspects of the marketplace, supported by Professor Rune Hausstätter and Professor Jonty Rix. There will be an opportunity to discuss potential pitfalls as well as opportunities and how to make the most of them. The morning sessions will be of interest to those who have little experience of publishing as well as those who may have already achieved a few publications. A key aspect of all sessions will be the opportunity to share experiences and explore how we can best support each other.

Afternoon sessions

In the afternoons there will be workshops lead by Professor Rune Hausstätter and Professor Jonty Rix. Each session will explore how to write the component parts of an academic paper. These sessions will map out the key aspects and challenges in relation to different sections of a paper. Participants will be encouraged to bring data which is ready to be presented within an article or to bring ideas for papers. There will be opportunities to explore how participants would use their data and the data of others in relation to each different section. It would also be possible to get feedback on particular sections which have already been written. These sessions will be of interest to people who have no data as yet, but will particularly benefit those who have data to develop or what have particularly difficulty with aspects of paper writing. 

Evening writing sessions

Perhaps the most beneficial element of this week is the possibility to focus solely on your writing for several days in a row and with colleagues that are in the same situation as you. For three evenings there will be opportunities to write and to have personal discussions with other participants and with the session leaders. This will allow you space to think, raise key concerns and receive more taylored guidance. 

These sessions are being run by Rune Hausstätter, Professor of Special Education at The Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and Jonty Rix, Professor of Participation of Learning Support at The Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and the Open University in the UK. They both have excellent track records in achieving successful publication and extensive experience of supporting colleagues and students in developing their writing.

Planned timetable for the sessions

Monday, 21 October

  • 09.30-12.00. Morning presentation, activities & discussion: Who and where am I writing for?
  • 13.00-15.30. Early Afternoon Workshop: The introduction and the literature review. A practical discussion.
  • 17.00-20.00. Evening writing sessions: Supported by Jonty Rix and Rune Hausstätter.

Tuesday, 22 October

  • 09.30-12.00. Morning presentation, activities & discussion:Thinking about what to do once you are a Doctor – making the most of being an early career researcher. Additional presenter: Early career researcher (TBD).
  • 13.00-15.30. Early Afternoon Workshop: The method. A practical discussion.
  • 17.00-20.00. Evening writing sessions: Supported by Jonty Rix and Rune Hausstätter.

Wednesday, 23 October

  • 09.30-12.00: Morning presentation, activities & discussion: Journal processes – an editor’s view. Additional presenter: Leigh Price, General Editor of Journal of Critical Realism. 
  • Afternoon: Free.
  • Evening: Free.

Thursday, 23 October

  • Morning: Free.
  • 13.00-15.30. Early Afternoon Workshop: The results. A practical discussion.
  • 17.00-20.00. Evening writing sessions: Supported by Jonty Rix and Rune Hausstätter. Dinner!

Friday, 24 October

  • 09.30-12.00. Morning presentation, activities & discussion: How to get a book published. Additional presenter: Editor from a publishing house (TBD).
  • 13.00-15.30. Early Afternoon Workshop: The discussion & the conclusion. A practical discussion. 
  • Evening: Free.


Bilde av Rune Hausstatter
Head of Department
+47 61 28 83 42
Bilde av Jonathan Robert Macgregor Rix


Sist endret 28. juni 2024 13:20