Skill up 4 Health


SkillUp4Health: Competence development and skills training for health personnel 


The project

We are a consortium that apply for research grants, arrange workshops, research and happenings regarding deliberate practice in among health workers, especially regarding psychologist.

Project goals

The goal of this project is to .....


Horisont Europe: KEEPCARING is a EU project. It is cordinated in Amsterdam, Nederlands and we are one of the work package assosiates. 

Project summery

Basic idea: 

  • The basic idea of this project is to contribute to transformation and modernization of the health system with research and innovation enhancing health care workers’ (e.g., psychologists, and psychotherapists) skills in dealing with complex situations and to prevent emotional burnout and empathy fatigue. 

  • A general method for improving the quality of inter-relational meetings might have a health economic impact on a par with choice of evidence-based methods.  

  • Virtual Reality (VR) technology and skills training such as deliberate practice, where learning loops are put into system, yields promise for effective training on central interpersonal skills for health professionals.  

  • The integration of continuous learning though a training model that implements VR and deliberate practice into the basic competence development strategy in the organization. 

  • The focus is on experience-based training, “learning-by-doing” rather than “learning-by-reflection”. 


  • Enhance general interpersonal skills and enhance competence among health professionals through training in “reaching the hard to reach” and treatment adjusting according to specific target groups.  

  • Improve job mastery, well-being and reduce perceived stress linked to everyday work as a health professional.  

  • Develop and evaluate new technology such as VR scenarios for use in structured skills training processes through deliberate practice to simulate complex work situations. 

  • Provide solutions for cost efficient competence enhancing strategies which can be used continually in parallel to everyday work. 


  • Sustainability and better access to competence development and skills training with VR through a digital solution. You can be anywhere! 

  • Better learning culture: Learning with VR is fun! 
    Better, more integrated, learning – a little every week instead of 2 days each semester 

  • More motivation and better mental health with more mastery in everyday work 

  • Reduced turnover and sick leave among employees 

  • Better treatment: More competent personnel provide better patient care and safety in the service 

Contact person

Bilde av Karin Boson
+47 62 43 00 55


  • Professor II Peter Wennberg, Institutt for psykologi, HHS  

  • Professor Jonas Vaag, Institutt for psykologi, HHS (fra høst 2023)  

  • Førsteamanuensis Stian Orm, Institutt for psykologi, HHS (fra høst 2023)  

  • Førsteamanuensis Kjell Tore Hovik, Institutt for psykologi, HHS  

  • Førsteamanuensis Ulrika Håkansson, Institutt for psykologi, HHS (kun våren 2023)  

  • Professor Per Norman Andersen, Institutt for psykologi, HHS (kun våren 2023)  

  • Professor Lars Lien, Seksjon for psykisk helse og rehabilitering, HSV  

  • Førsteamanuensis, Odd Rune Stalheim, Institutt for pedagogikk ved lærerutdanningene, LUP  

  • Førsteamanuensis, Bjørn Tallak Bakken, Institutt for organisasjon, ledelse, styring, HHS  

  • Førstelektor, Stig Holen, Institutt for organisasjon, ledelse, styring, HHS (deltok i søknadsutvikling våren 2023)  

  • Stipendiat, Merete Schüller, Sykehuset Innlandet og HELVEL, HSV  

  • Vitenskapelig assistent, Liv-Eline Brochman (kun høsten 2023)  

  • Vitenskapelig assistent/høgskolelektor, Sigrid Elisabeth Glomdal (fra våren 2024)  


  • Forskningsrådgiver, Johanne Kielland Servoll, Institutt for psykologi, HHS  

  • Seniorrådgiver, Hege Taarud, Forskningsadministrativ avdeling, INN