Boklansering: Maskulinitet i popmusikk

Kai Arne Hansen lanserer boka "Pop Masculinities: The Politics of Gender in Twenty-First Century Popular Music". 


Arrangementet holdes digitalt i Zoom.   

Forfatteren vil presentere en oversikt over boken og dens hovedargumenter. Ellers deltar Freya Jarman (University of Liverpool) og Marc Lafrance (Concordia University). Det blir en kort paneldiskusjon ledet av Live Weider Ellefsen (Høgskolen i Innlandet), samt en mulighet for de fremmøtte til å stille spørsmål. 

Portrett Hansen
Kai Arne Hansen er førsteamanuensis ved Institutt for kunstfag og kulturstudier ved Høgskolen i Innlandet.

Welcome to an online book launch for "Pop Masculinities: The Politics of Gender in Twenty-First Century Popular Music", written by Kai Arne Hansen. The event will take place on Zoom on November 29, 16:00 CET. 

The author will present an overview of the book and its key arguments, and responses will be provided by Freya Jarman (University of Liverpool) and Marc Lafrance (Concordia University). The event will include a brief panel discussion chaired by Live Weider Ellefsen (Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences), as well as an opportunity for those attending to ask questions. 

Register here to receive the Zoom link for the event:

Contact: Live Weider Ellefsen (


About the book: 

In "Pop Masculinities", author Kai Arne Hansen investigates the performance and policing of masculinity in pop music as a starting point for grasping the broad complexity of gender and its politics in the early twenty-first century. Drawing together perspectives from critical musicology, gender studies, and adjacent scholarly fields, the book presents extended case studies of five well-known artists: Zayn, Lil Nas X, Justin Bieber, The Weeknd, and Take That. By directing particular attention to the ambiguities and contradictions that arise from these artists' representations of masculinity, Hansen argues that pop performances tend to operate in ways that simultaneously reinforce and challenge gender norms and social inequalities. Providing a rich exploration of these murky waters, Hansen merges the interpretation of recorded song and music video with discourse analysis and media ethnography in order to engage with the full range of pop artists' public identities as they emerge at the intersections between processes of performance, promotion, and reception. In so doing, he advances our understanding of the aesthetic and discursive underpinnings of gender politics in twenty-first century pop culture and encourages readers to contemplate the sociopolitical implications of their own musical engagements as audiences, critics, musicians, and scholars.


Author bio:

Kai Arne Hansen is Associate Professor of Music in the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies at the Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is co-editor of On Popular Music and Its Unruly Entanglements (2019, with Nick Braae) and Popular Musicology and Identity: Essays in Honour of Stan Hawkins (2020, with Eirik Askerøi and Freya Jarman), and he currently serves as editor-in-chief of the Norwegian Journal of Musicology. His research spans the topics of popular music and identity, gender and sexuality, contemporary media, audiovisual aesthetics, and children's musical cultures.


Publisert 18. nov. 2021 13:25 - Sist endret 18. nov. 2021 13:28