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Åpen gjesteforelesning om rasisme og sosial rettferdighet

26. oktober inviteres det til åpen gjesteforelesning om rasisme og sosial rettferdighet i samfunnet. 


(Foto: Colourbox)

Critical Examination of Race and Racism in Teacher Education (CERiTE) inviterer til åpen gjesteforelesning om:

  • Hvem kontrollerer fortellinger om rasisme i samfunnet?
  • Kan en pedagogikk for sosial rettferdighet skapes gjennom samarbeid med lokalsamfunnet?

Dette er noen av spørsmålene Christine Sleeter (California State University) og Reza Gholami (University of Birmingham) vil ta opp i en aktuell gjesteforelesning arrangert av forskningsprosjektet CERiTE.

Både Sleeter og Gholami er internasjonalt anerkjente utdanningsforskere som har arbeidet bredt med anti-rasisme og inkludering i flerkulturelle samfunn.

Anti-rasisme og sosial rettferdighet er aktuelle tema for alle lærere i norske barnehage, skole og høyere utdanning. Vi vet at mennesker i Norge opplever rasisme. Men hvem kontrollerer hvordan rasisme kommer til uttrykk? Og kan det ha betydning for ulike utdanningskontekster? På alle utdanningsarenaer i Norge møtes mennesker med ulike bakgrunner, ulike etnisiteter, ulike hudfarger, ulike religioner og livssyn, ulike språk og så videre. Kan vi tenke annerledes om utdanning i en slik kontekst? Kan det å samarbeide med lokalsamfunnet bidra til å utvikle en pedagogikk for sosial rettferdighet?

Christine Sleeter har oppgitt tittelen Struggles over Who Controls the Narrative about Race and Racism in Society.

Tittel for Reza Gholami sitt innlegg er Thinking and Working with “Diasporic Education”: Collaborative Community-Led Pedagogies for Social Justice

Om foreleserne

Om Christine E. Sleeter

Prof. emerita Christine Sleeter (Foto: privat)
Prof. emerita Christine Sleeter (Foto: privat)

Christine E. Sleeter, PhD. is Professor Emerita in the College of Education at California State University Monterey Bay, where she was a founding faculty member. She has served as a visiting professor at several universities, including the University of Maine, University of Colorado Boulder, Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand, and Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in Spain.

She is past President of the National Association for Multicultural Education, and past Vice President of the American Educational Research Association. Her research focuses on anti-racist multicultural education, ethnic studies, and teacher education. She has published over 150 articles and 24 books, most recently Transformative Ethnic Studies in Schools (with M. Zavala, Teachers College Press, 2020).

She has also published three novels, the most recent being Family History in Black and White. She is a Fellow of the American Educational Research Association and of the National Education Policy Center, and a member of the National Academy of Education. Awards for her work include the American Educational Research Association Social Justice in Education Award, the Chapman University Paulo Freire Education Project Social Justice Award, and the Willamette University Distinguished Alumni Citation for Professional Achievement.

Om Dr Reza Gholami

Dr Reza Gholami
Dr Reza Gholami

Dr Reza Gholami is Reader in Sociology of education at the University of Birmingham where he is also the Deputy Director of the Centre for Research in Race and Education (CRRE). His research focuses on inclusive, community-led education and he also contributes to wider debates around racism and Islamophobia in education. He earned his PhD in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at SOAS, University of London. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and an Honorary Senior Research Associate at the UCL Institute of Education in London.

Currently, he is leading a funded project working with non-formal educators in Birmingham, UK, and Melbourne, Australia, to develop innovative educational materials to foster intercommunal learning. Reza is the author of numerous books and articles in his field including co-editing the book Education and Extremisms: Re-Thinking Liberal Pedagogies in the Contemporary World (Routledge 2018). He also regularly appears in national and international media, including featuring in the BBC Radio 4 documentary ‘The Corrections’ about the Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse’ affair.

Praktisk informasjon

Forelesningen finner sted Auditorium 4 på studiested Hamar og den streames  via Zoom (passord: 011032)

Det er ingen påmelding og forelesningen er åpen for alle studenter, ansatte og andre interesserte.

Forelesningen er på engelsk.

Velkommen til åpen gjesteforelesning enten i auditorium 4 eller på Zoom!


Bilde av Prisca Bruno Massao
+47 62 59 79 58
Emneord: forskningsformidling
Publisert 10. okt. 2022 15:16 - Sist endret 17. okt. 2022 21:19