Collective Imagining

We plan for this to be the first in a series of annual public lectures at INN, organized by the philosophy research group. This year’s guest, Timothy Williamson, is the Wykeham Professor of Logic at Oxford, and primarily works in epistemology, logic, metaphysics, and philosophy of language.


Bilde av professor Thimoty Williamson
Foto: John Cairns

Collective Imagining

Interest has increased in ascribing mental states like knowledge, belief, and intention to collectives: societies, institutions, scientific communities, groups of friends. The talk will show how to extend this idea to imagination. Although it includes collective fictions, the main focus will be on the cognitive function of imagination, e.g. in answering conditional questions like ‘If we do that, what will happen?’ As examples show, imagining serves this cognitive function collectively as well as individually. Nor should collective imagination be understood as an externalization of individual imagination; individual imagination can be understood as an internalization of collective imagination. Connections between imagination and experience also hold at the collective as well as the individual level.

Timothy Williamson
University of Oxford 


The event is open to all, and the talk will be followed by an open discussion.

Emneord: imagination, images, collectives, institutions, scientific communities, conditionals, experience
Publisert 15. aug. 2023 10:24 - Sist endret 6. okt. 2023 13:17