Central banks’ expanding roles, independence and control mechanisms.

Photo: Colourbox

Photo: Colourbox

The workshop will discuss central banks’ expanding roles, independence and control mechanisms.

Amongst other issues, it will examine the historical origin of central bank independence, to what extent are courts and tribunals willing to review the legality of central banks’ decision making, and how is this influencing central banks policies, as well as what alternative mechanisms for checks and balances of central bank policies exist.

The workshop is a part of the research project Central Banks’ expanded role in financial markets. The project is a collaboration between the faculty of law at the University of Oslo and Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. The project is funded by the Finance Market Fund (managed by the Norwegian Research Council).

Read the full program.


There are limited places available for physical workshop, but the event will be streamed on zoom.

INN University employees contribution: 

  • Bent Sofus Tranøy, Professor at Inland Norway University for Applied Sciences, ‘The past and future of on instrumental independence of central banks’ (10 min)
  • Astrid Iversen, Postdoc/ Associate Professor on leave, University of Oslo/ Inland Norway University for Applied Science, ‘Central Banks, sovereign immunity and non-monetary policy activities’ (20 min)
  • Yulia Chernykh (online), Associate professor at Inland Norway University for Applied Sciences, Investment Law and banking supervision, ‘Investment law and banking supervision’ (20 min)
  • Ingrid Hjertaker, PhD Fellow at Inland Norway University for Applied Sciences, ‘The creation of a “superministry” – the European Central bank, crisis management and bureaucratic power’ (20 min)


Inland Norway University of Applied SciencesInstitute of Private law and PluriCourts at the University of Oslo.

Publisert 13. mai 2022 13:46 - Sist endret 16. mai 2022 08:43