Welcome as class representative

Congratulations on being elected as your class' representative!

You are now a part of both the student democracy and the quality assurance system! You can view a recorded crash course in how to be a class representative here.

But right now we just need you to register, so we can make an overview of all the class representatives, and are able to contact you about future meetings.

Please register here


An explanation of the fields you need to fill:

Fornavn: Given name

Etternavn: Surname

E-post: E-mail

Mobil: Cellphone number

Adresse: Street address

Postnr: Zip code

Sted: City

Fødselsdato: Date of birth

Kjønn: Gender

Jeg samtykker at personopplysninger lagres i Rubic: I consent to my personal information being stored in Rubic (The service we use for our overview)


Hoved- eller vararepresentant: (Main or deputy representative) Every class shall elect one main representative for each 30th student, and one deputy representative for each main representative. If you were elected as a deputy, it should have come up during the election.

Studentnr: (Student number) You can find this number on your student ID card.

Studiested: (Campus) The name of your campus

Fakultet: (Faculty) here is an overview how what each abbreviation stands for:

  • ALB - Faculty of Applied Ecology, Agricultural Sciences and Biotechnology
  • AMEK - Faculty of Audiovisual Media and Creative Technologies 
  • HHS - Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
  • HSV - Faculty of Social and Health Sciences
  • LUP - Faculty of Education
  • DNF - The Norwegian Film School 

Studieprogram: (Study course) Write the name of your course as it is written in this overview, and which level it is on. (E.g. "Animation and Digital Art, bachelor" or "Applied and Commercial Biotechnology, master")

Årskull: (Cohort) Which year you and the others in your class started on your study course (E.g. "2021" if you started this year, "2020" if you startet last year, etc.) 

Klasse: (Class) If your cohort is divided in a way, write the name of your "part". If you are not divided, let it be empty.

Generelt samtykke bilder: (General consent for pictures) Whether or not you consent to StInn taking and publishing pictures of you. This will mostly be of pictures student council meetings used for marketing. 


Please contact stab.stinn@inn.no if you need help with your registration.

Publisert 28. feb. 2023 14:06 - Sist endret 31. aug. 2023 10:41