
CCL flyer

Du finner en kort presentasjon av CCL sitt arbeid og aktiviteter. Du kan skrive ut flyeren på A3 ark og brette den slik at den kan deles ut på arrangementer og møter.  

CCL/PERL presentation slides

Are you planning to present the work of CCL/PERL at an event?

Please find CCL presentation slides in PDF format. If you would like to receive an annotated version of the PPT slides, please contact

Education and Research about Responsible, Sustainable Living

A portfolio of national, regional and international acitivitie carried out by INN

This portfolio provides a schematic overview of the main activities carried out by Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and the partners in the projects it has been responsible for as coordinating institution during 1996-2016. 

Sist endret 30. jan. 2024 00:50