Theorizing through Literature Reviews: Are you a Miner or a Prospector?

Seminaret inngår i CREDS digitale seminarrekke våren 2023.

Foto: Colourbox

(Dette seminaret vil bli holdt på engelsk, og teksten er derfor på engelsk i denne presentasjonen.) 


  • Dermot Breslin, Prof. at Rennes School of Business and former Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Management Reviews.
  • Chair/moderator: Johan Kask, CREDS


Whilst literature reviews play an increasingly important role in theory development, understanding how they contribute to the process of theorizing is lacking. This webinar develops the metaphor of a miner-prospector continuum, which allows review scholars to identify approaches taken in literature reviews to develop theory. We identify eight strategies located on a continuum ranging from miners - who position their contributions within a bounded and established domain of study alongside other researchers - to prospectors, who are more likely to step outside disciplinary boundaries, introducing novel perspectives and venture beyond knowledge silos. We explore the pathways between miner and prospector in terms of strategies followed, choices made, risks borne and benefits gained. We identify the roles to be played by different stakeholders in balancing the mix between miners and prospectors. While respecting the need for both miner and prospector approaches, we suggest that collective efforts towards encouraging prospector reviews could assist management research in tackling, through reviews, the complex challenges facing organizations and society today.

Pre reading (open access)

Breslin, D., & Gatrell, C. (2023). Theorizing Through Literature Reviews: The Miner-Prospector Continuum. Organizational Research Methods, 26(1), 139-167.

Om CREDS digitale seminarrekke

Professor Johan Kask er ansvarlig for den digitale seminarrekken som starter 19. januar, og går annenhver torsdag fra kl 13.00 – 15.00.  For vårsemesteret er det planlagt 8-10 seminarer.

Les mer om seminarene.

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Bilde av Johan Kask
+47 62 43 01 82
Emneord: CREDS, grønn omstilling
Publisert 23. feb. 2023 16:06 - Sist endret 3. mai 2023 09:30