Avoiding Crisis-Driven Business Failure through Digital Dynamic Capabilities

Seminaret inngår i CREDS digitale seminarrekke våren 2023.

Illustration photo

(Dette seminaret vil bli holdt på engelsk, og teksten er derfor på engelsk i denne presentasjonen.) 

The paper we are going to discuss is titled "Avoiding Crisis-Driven Business Failure through Digital Dynamic Capabilities: B2B Distribution Firms during COVID-19 and Beyond," which is co-authored by Najam Zia from LUT University, Finland, and Usama Awan from CREDS. Joining us as an opponent, we are delighted to welcome Joanna Rosak-Szyrocka, Politechnika Częstochowska, Poland.


Previous research has proposed different determinants of the success and failure of technological innovation in industrial networks. However, following the recent COVID-19 pandemic crisis, distributors have been seeking to become more agile in identifying and transforming business processes to avoid failures. Although industrial practitioners have been broadly motivated to understand the effects of pandemics on business failure, the contingency factors that affect organizations in their responses to such sudden exogenous shocks remain unclear. Inspired by a burgeoning academic interest in viewing the COVID-19 pandemic as a digital accelerator, this paper examines how B2B distribution firms have been avoiding business failure by using their dynamic capabilities (DCs) in response to the sudden exogenous shocks caused by the pandemic.

Om CREDS digitale seminarrekke

Professor Johan Kask er ansvarlig for den digitale seminarrekken som starter 19. januar, og går annenhver torsdag fra kl 13.00 – 15.00.  For vårsemesteret er det planlagt 8-10 seminarer.

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Bilde av Johan Kask
+47 62 43 01 82
Emneord: CREDS, grønn omstilling
Publisert 11. apr. 2023 14:29 - Sist endret 13. apr. 2023 09:28