Why are ecological metaphors so popular in management research?

Seminaret inngår i CREDS digitale seminarrekke våren 2023.

Johan Kask

Johan Kask

Foto: Marianne Olsen Brøntveit

(Dette seminaret vil bli holdt på engelsk, og teksten er derfor på engelsk i denne presentasjonen.) 

Join us for a webinar discussing the application of metaphors and analogies from the fields of biology and ecology to the study of management and organizational theory. In the webinar’s highlighted study, the authors investigate this question and makes a number of propositions about the scope and limitations of such comparisons.

Their work also provides new insight into the rising popularity of such metaphors and analogies in research programs such as "evolutionary economics," "organizational ecology," and "business ecosystems," with the authors concluding that certain characteristics of these models make them especially fruitful - within certain boundaries - for a significant subset of problems in the management and organization disciplines.



David Sörhammar, CREDS - Centre for Research on Digitalization and Sustainability, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Om CREDS digitale seminarrekke

Professor Johan Kask er ansvarlig for den digitale seminarrekken som starter 19. januar, og går annenhver torsdag fra kl 13.00 – 15.00.  For vårsemesteret er det planlagt 8-10 seminarer.

Les mer om seminarene.

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Bilde av Johan Kask
+47 62 43 01 82
Emneord: CREDS, grønn omstilling
Publisert 31. jan. 2023 10:49 - Sist endret 3. mai 2023 09:30