Archetypes of the service ecosystem: An emergence and institution-based approach

Seminaret inngår i CREDS digitale seminarrekke våren 2023.

Foto: Colourbox

(Dette seminaret vil bli holdt på engelsk, og teksten er derfor på engelsk i denne presentasjonen.) 


  • Co-authored by our CREDS professors Bård Tronvoll and David Sörhammar.

  • Discussants: Morten Abrahamsen, BI Norwegian Business School, and Debora Sarno, Parthenope University of Naples, Italy.


Disturbances in the service ecosystem make value cocreation unpredictable because recurrent causal relationships among multiple interacting elements and mechanisms create emergence. The article advances a new framework for codifying these emergent effects in terms of integration and differentiation, classifying service ecosystems into three states: self-evident, self-challenging, or self-confounding. The typology clarifies the conditions for value cocreation and supports theory-based conceptualization of service ecosystem heterogeneity by illuminating the interplay between institutionalization and emergence as enabling or inhibiting factors for value cocreation. The findings emphasize the crucial role of the focal actor by showing that the three states are perceptional, idiosyncratic, and phenomenologically unique to each actor. Still, the states need to be partially shared between system actors for value to be cocreated

Om CREDS digitale seminarrekke

Professor Johan Kask er ansvarlig for den digitale seminarrekken som starter 19. januar, og går annenhver torsdag fra kl 13.00 – 15.00.  For vårsemesteret er det planlagt 8-10 seminarer.

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Bilde av Johan Kask
+47 62 43 01 82
Emneord: CREDS, grønn omstilling
Publisert 9. mars 2023 13:38 - Sist endret 3. mai 2023 09:30