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Anja Maria Pesch

Anja Maria Pesch

Associate Professor

Phone number
+47 62 43 02 78

Faculty of education
Department of educational studies in teacher education
Campus Hamar, Room 2P209

Short description

Teaching activities
I am associate professor in education connected to Early Childhood Teacher Education and Master in Adapted Education, where I teach in courses on Early Childhood Education and Care, Bachelor's Thesis and (linguistic) Diversity in Education. I have also worked in several projects for continuing professional development in kindergartens. 

My research interests are Early Childhood Multilingualism, kindergartens' work with multilingual children and families, kindergarten-home cooperation, multi-/translingual practices and semiotic landscape research. I am part of the project Multilingualism in Transitions (MultiTrans), located at the UiT The arctic university of Norway and financed by the Research Council of Norway. The project explores how multilingual individuals' and families' language choices in transitions in the education system of Norway. I am am member of the research group Språkdidaktikk i flerspråklige kontekster (Language didactics in multilingual contexts), associated member of the research group Barn, barndom og barnehagepedagogikk i det 21. århundre at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, and associated member of the research groups Multilingual North: Diversity, Education and Revitalisation at UiT The arctic university of Norway.



Visiting Address

Midtbyen Park
Skoleveien 4, 2318 Hamar
Room 2P209
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum