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Daumantas Bloznelis

Daumantas Bloznelis

Associate Professor

Phone number
+47 62 43 04 13

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Business Administration
Campus Rena, Room 3Ø224

Short description

I am an associate professor in Business Analytics. I have a PhD degree in economics from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (coursework completed at Cornell University) and MSc and BSc degrees in statistics from Vilnius University.

My work experience includes both private sector and academia; I have worked as a financial analyst of Oslo Stock Exchange, a research fellow and a teaching assistant at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences, and a postdoctoral researcher in statistics at KU Leuven.

My primary research interests are in statistical price modelling, forecasting, and risk management in financial markets. I am also interested in business applications of statistics and machine Learning. Cristin contains a list of my research results and activities. Ungated versions of my publications and working papers are available here

You can learn more about me by visiting my personal website. This is also where you will find my CV.

Research groups


Visiting Address

Hovedbygg Østre fløy
Telthusveien 12, N-2450 Rena
Room 3Ø224
Show on map

Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum