Business Analytics

Business Analytics is the art of utilizing data to achieve knowledge on businesses’ performance, financial assessments, the surrounding environment and problem solution in general. 

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Academic discipline:
Economy, management, and innovation
Illustration Business Analytics

Business Analytics as an academic field is applicable to a range of different areas, where the common foundation stems from economic and financial theory in combination with utilizing data.

What we research

"Business analytics is the scientific process of transforming data into insight for making better decisions. Business analytics is used for data-driven or fact-based decision making, which is often seen as more objective than other alternatives for decision making."

(Camm, J. D., Cochran, J. J., Fry, M. J., & Ohlmann, J. W. (2020). Business analytics. Cengage Learning.)

More about the research group

The main research areas for the research group are:

  • Productivity and efficiency analysis
  • Finance
  • Behavioural Analytics
  • Econometrics
  • Dynamic pricing

Ongoing projects


Website:  IpaaSki

Objectives: Develop and implement new and innovative pricing schemes to create value in the Alpine Skiing industry.

Participants: Erik Haugom (leader), Per Kristian Alnes, Iveta Malasevska, Gudbrand Lien, Ørjan Mydland, Andreas Hinteruber

COMMECT (partner)

Bridging the digital divide and addressing the need of Rural Communities with Cost-effective and Environmental-Friendly Connectivity Solutions. 2022 - 2024. Funded by Horizon Europe.



Regional dynamics and innovation capabilities in non-metropolitan contexts. Ongoing. Funded by Sparebankstiftelsen Hedmark

Big Data Innovation (PhD)

Start of project: 2021, Funded by INSEPP

Sustainability Innovation (PhD)

Start of project: 2023, Funded by INSEPP




Altay Zhakatayev, Nurilla Avazov, Hasan Najjar, Yuriy Rogovchenko & Matthias Pätzold (2024). Blind parameter identification of implicit differential equations using the collocation discretization and homotopy optimization methodsMechanism and Machine Theory, 200, 105715.

Alnes, P. K., Lien, G., Haugom, E., Malasevska, I., & Mydland, Ø. (2024). Willingness to pay for fast-track tickets in the alpine skiing industry: a case study of a Norwegian ski resortCogent Social Sciences10(1), 2356063.

Alnes, P. K., Haugom, E. (2024). The effects of price framing and magnitude of price differences on perceived fairness when switching from static to variable pricingJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services.

Alnes, P. K., Haugom, E., & Lien, G. (2024). Optimal introductory pricing as an investment decisionApplied Economics Letters, 1-7.

Græsli, J.A., Lien, G. (2024). How can children best learn map skills? A step-by-step approach. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal (forthcoming).

Haugom, E., Lyócsa, Š., & Halousková, M. (2024). The tipping point of electricity price attention: When a problem becomes a problemEconomics Letters, 111547.

Calignano, G., & Jørgensen Nordli, A. (2024). Less-advanced regions in EU innovation networks: Could nanotechnology represent a possible trigger for path upgrading? PLoS ONE19(1), e0288669.

Nilsen, T., Calignano, G., Lien, S., & Nordli, A. J. (2024). Norwegian wood, isn't it good? Narratives of the lumber industry and development paths in the Nordic peripheryJournal of Rural Studies105, 103182.

Marin, C., Adewumi, O.M., Asche,  F., Garlock, T.M., Kristofersson, D.M., Lorenzen, K., Yang, B. (2024). Does seafood trade enhance seafood availability in developing countries? The case of Nigeria. Marine Policy, 161, 106030.

Mutonyi, B.R., González-Piñero, M., Slåtten, T., Lien, G. (2024). Driving innovation in healthcare: Exploring the impact of ambidextrous leadership on creative performance among frontline health professionals in Norway. BMC Health Services Research (forthoming).

Thrane, C. (2024): Using composite performance variables to explain football players’ market values. Managing Sport and Leisure (forthcoming)

Adewumi, O.M., Lien, G., Mydland, Ø. (2024). Disruptive and sustaining innovation: Do they matter for technical efficiency in a firm's production technology? International Journal of Innovation Management 2350041.

Thrane, C., Lien, G., Mehmetoglu, M., Størdal, S. (2024). Price hedonics of beers: Effects of alcohol content, quality rating, and production country. Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization (forthcoming).


Dinh, M.T.H. (2023). ESG perspectives to investing: translating ESG into investment and scores, and challenges of translations. European Business Law Review (forthcoming).

Stamsø, M. A. (2023). Norway: booming housing market and increasing small-scale landlordism. In Private Renting in the Advanced Economies (pp. 181-207). Policy Press.

Malasevska, I., Haugom, E., Lien, G., Alnes, P.K. (2023). Sustainable consumption of services: willingness-to-pay for sustainable alpine skiing experience. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 1-25.

Adewumi, O.M., Echebiri, C., Hauge, A. (2023). Assessing the economic potential of nusic streaming in an emerging African market: A PLS-SEM analysisJournal of African Business (forthcoming).

Danelon, A., Kumbhakar S.C. (2023). Estimating COVID-19 under-reporting through Stochastic Frontier Analysis and Official Statistics: A Case Study of São Paulo State, Brazil. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences (forthcoming).

Slåtten, T., Mutonyi, B.R., Nordli, A.J., Lien, G. (2023). The role of ambidextrous leadership and employee ambidexterity in enhancing service quality of care and creativity – A study of health professionals. BMC Health Services Research 23, 1252.

Dinh, M.T.H. (2023). How Does Market Cap Play Its Role in Returns during COVID-19? The Case of Norway. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16(9), 414.

Mishra, Deepti, and Yavuz Inal. (2023). What Affects the Success of Programmers in Query Validation Process? An Eye Tracking Study. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Mishra, D., Lugo, R. G., Parish, K., & Tilden, S. (2023). Metacognitive processes involved in human robot interaction in the school learning environment. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 85-100). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Pande, A., Shrestha, B., Rani, A., & Mishra, D. (2023). A Comparative Analysis of Real Time Open-Source Speech Recognition Tools for Social Robots. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (pp. 355-365). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.

Kumbhakar, S.C., Zhang, J., Lien, G. (2023). Locationally varying production technology and productivity: The case of Norwegian farming. Econometrics 11, 20.

Muoneke, O.B., Okere, K.I., Alemayehu, F. K. (2023). Interplay between socio-economic challenges, environmental sustainability and the moderating role of government effectiveness in the Med-9 countries. Resources Policy, 85B, 104017.

Pandey, R., Asche, F., Misund, B., Nygård, R., Olugbenga, M. A., Straume, H. M., & Zhang, D. (2023). Production growth, company size, and concentration: The case of salmonAquaculture, 739972.

Zaman, U., Chishti, M. Z., Hameed, T., & Akhtar, M. S. (2023). Exploring the nexus between green innovations and green growth in G-7 economies: evidence from wavelet quantile correlation and continuous wavelet transform causality methodsEnvironmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-15.

Lyócsa, Š., Halousková, M., & Haugom, E. (2023). The US banking crisis in 2023: Intraday attention and price variation of banks at riskFinance Research Letters, 104209.

Mydland, Ø., Lien, G., Haugom, E. (2023). Økonomiske analyser av innovasjon. I: Hauge, A., Røhnebæk, M. T., Myklebø, S., Innovasjon - en innføring. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 107-126. (In Norwegian)

Thrane, C. (2023). No crowd, no roar, no home advantage: evidence from ice hockeyEuropean Sport Management Quarterly, 1-13.

Hardaker, J.B., Lien, G. (2023). Principles of good practice in dealing with risk in agriculture: A review of agricultural decision analysis. In: Mishra, A.K., Kumbhakar, S.C., Lien, G., Managing Risk in Agriculture: A Development Perspective. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 3-19.

Khanal A.R., Mishra, A.K., Lien, G. (2023). Assessing the impact of risk-reducing strategies on food security: Evidence from an emerging economy. In: Mishra, A.K., Kumbhakar, S.C., Lien, G., Managing Risk in Agriculture: A Development Perspective. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, 67-84.

Adewumi, O.M., Lien, G., Mydland, Ø. (2023). Optimizing effects of firms' technological and non-technological processes on export-led innovation. Economics of Innovation and New Technology (forthcoming).

Dinh, M.T.H. (2023). ESG, time horizons, risks and stock returnsResearch in International Business and Finance (forthcoming)

Lien, G., Kumbhakar, S.C., Mishra, A.K., 2023. Production function and farmers' risk aversion: a certainty equivalent-adjusted production function. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (forthcoming).

Ewald, C., Hadina, J., Haugom, E., Lien, G., Størdal, S., Yahya, M. (2023). Sample frequency robustness and accuracy in forecasting Value at Risk for Brent Crude Oil futures. Finance Research Letters (forthcoming).

Lai, H. P., & Kumbhakar, S. C. (2023). Indirect inference estimation of stochastic production frontier models with skew-normal noiseEmpirical Economics (forthcoming).

Kumbhakar, S.C., Li, M., Lien, G. (2023). Do subsidies matter in productivity and profitability changes? Economic Modelling, 123, June, 106264.

Alemayehu F., Tveterås S., Kumbhakar Subal C. (2023). Effects of Management Practices for Using SaaS System on Performance of Hospitality Firms in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism (forthcoming).

Slåtten, T., Lien, G., Batt-Rawden, V.H., Onshus, T, Evenstad, S.B.N. (2023). The relationship between students’ psychological capital, social-contextual factors, and study-related outcomes – an empirical study from higher education in NorwayInternational Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 15(1), 17-33.

Tsionas, M.G., Kumbhakar, S.C. (2023). Proxy variable estimation of productivity and efficiency. Southern Economic Journal 89(3), 885-923.

Tsionas, M.G., Kumbhakar, S.C. (2023). Productivity and performance: A GMM approachOxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 85(2), 331-344.

Størdal, S., Ewald, C.-O., Lien, G., Haugom, E. (2023). Trading time seasonality in electricity futuresJournal of Commodity Markets, 31, 100291.


Ewald, C.-O., Wu, Y. and Zhang, A. (2022) Pricing Asian Options with Stochastic Convenience Yield and Jumps. Quantitative Finance (forthcoming)

Agarwal, A. , Ewald, C.-O. and Wang, Y. (2022) Hedging longevity risk in defined contribution pension schemes. Computational Management Science (forthcoming)

Uddin, G. S., Yahya, M., Ahmed, A., Park, A., Tian, S. (2022). In search of light in the darkness: What can we learn from ethical, sustainable and green investments? International Journal of Finance & Economics (forthcoming)

Haugom, E. (2022). The effect of changing from campus-based to digital teaching on student attendance: A case study of Norwegian business studentsHeliyon (forthcoming).

Hou, Z., Zhao, S., & Kumbhakar, S. C. (2022). The GMM estimation of semiparametric spatial stochastic frontier modelsEuropean Journal of Operational Research (forthcoming).

Ewald, C.-O., Haugom, E., Lien, G., Størdal, S., Wu, Y. (2022). Trading time seasonality in commodity futures: An opportunity for arbitrage in the natural gas and crude oil markets? Energy Economics, 115, 106324.

Lien, G., Kumbhakar, S.C (2022). Overpricing in a spatial hedonic frontier model: the case of ski lift tickets in NorwayInternational Journal of Empirical Economics, 1(3), 2250011.

Mydland, Ø., Størdal, S., Kumbhakar, S. C., & Lien, G. (2022). Modeling markups and its determinants: The case of Norwegian industries and regionsEconomic Analysis and Policy76, 252-262.

Yahya, M., Dutta, A., Bouri, E., Wadström, C., & Uddin, G. S. (2022). Dependence structure between the international crude oil market and the European markets of biodiesel and rapeseed oilRenewable Energy197, 594-605.

Kumbhakar, S.C. (2022). Modeling Technical Change: Theory and Practice. In: Ray S.C., Chambers R.G., Kumbhakar S.C. (eds), Handbook of Production Economics, Volume 2, 871‑923.

Kumbhakar, S.C., Parmeter, C.F., Zelenyuk, V. (2022a). Stochastic frontier analysis: Foundations and advances I. In: Ray S.C., Chambers R.G., Kumbhakar S.C. (eds), Handbook of Production Economics, Volume 1, 331‑370.

Kumbhakar, S.C., Parmeter, C.F., Zelenyuk, V. (2022b). Stochastic frontier analysis: Foundations and advances II. In: Ray S.C., Chambers R.G., Kumbhakar S.C. (eds), Handbook of Production Economics, Volume 1, 371‑408.

Slåtten, T., & Lien, G. (2022). Frontline nurses’ appraisal of organizational attractiveness and the role of management support, interdepartmental collaboration climate, and service quality of care. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 197-216.

Mutonyi, B.R., Slåtten, T., Lien, G., & González-Piñero, M. (2022). The impact of organizational culture and leadership climate on organizational attractiveness and innovative behavior: a study of Norwegian hospital employeesBMC Health Services Research, 22, 637.

Uddin, G. S., Sahamkhadam, M., Yahya, M., & Tang, O. (2022). Investment opportunities in the energy market: What can be learnt from different energy sectorsInternational Journal of Finance & Economics.

Uddin, G. S., Yahya, M., Goswami, G. G., Lucey, B., & Ahmed, A. (2022). Stock market contagion during the COVID-19 pandemic in emerging economiesInternational Review of Economics & Finance79, 302-309.

Lien, G., Kumbhakar, S.C., Mishra, A.K., Hardaker, J.B. (2022). Does risk management affect productivity of organic rice farmers in India? Evidence from a semiparametric production modelEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 303(3), 1392-1402.

Ewald, C.-O., Haugom, E., Kanthan, L., Lien, G., Salehi, P., Størdal, S. (2022).  Salmon futures and the Fish Pool market in the context of the CAPM and a three-factor modelAquaculture Economics & Management, 26(2), 171-191.

Kumbhakar, S. C., & Lai, H. P. (2022).  Recent advances in the panel stochastic frontier models: heterogeneity, endogeneity and dependenceInternational Journal of Empirical Economics 2250002. 

Alemayehu, F.K., Kumbhakar, S.C., & Tveteraas S.L. (2022). Estimation of staff use efficiency: Evidence from the hospitality industryTechnological Forecasting & Social Change, 178, 121585.

Rahman, M. L., Troster, V., Uddin, G. S., & Yahya, M. (2022). Systemic risk contribution of banks and non-bank financial institutions across frequencies: The Australian experienceInternational Review of Financial Analysis79, 101992.

Ewald, C.-O., Taub, B. (2022). Real options, risk aversion and markets: A corporate finance perspectiveJournal of Corporate Finance, 72, 102164.

Ewald, C. O., Haugom, E., Lien, G., Song, P., Størdal, S. (2022). Riding the Nordic German Power-Spread: The Einar Aas ExperimentThe Energy Journal43(5).

Łaszkiewicz, E., Heyman, A., Chen, X., Cimburova, Z., Nowell, M., Barton, D. N. (2022). Valuing access to urban greenspace using non-linear distance decay in hedonic property pricingEcosystem Services53, 101394.

Malikov, E., Zhang, J., Zhao, S., & Kumbhakar, S. C. (2022). Accounting for cross‐location technological heterogeneity in the measurement of operations efficiency and productivityJournal of Operations Management68(2), 153-184.

Mydland Ø., Lien G. (2022). Application of production economics in the electricity distribution sector. In: Ray S.C., Chambers R.G., Kumbhakar S.C. (eds), Handbook of Production Economics, Volume 3, 1433‑1462.

Arocena, R. Kumbhakar, S.C. (2022). Cost Assessment of (Un)bundling: Separation of Vertically Integrated Public Utilities. In: Ray S.C., Chambers R.G., Kumbhakar S.C. (eds), Handbook of Production Economics, Volume 3, 1751‑1786.

Malasevska, I., Haugom, E., Lien, G., Hinterhuber, A., Alnes, P.K. (2022).  Managing structural constraints in recreational alpine skiing: a choice modelling approachManaging Sport and Leisure (forthcoming).

Slåtten, T., Lien, G., Mutonyi, B.R. (2022). Promoting organizational vision integration among hospital employeesBMC Health Services Research 22, 26.

Slåtten, T., Lien, G., Mutonyi, B.R. (2022). Precursors and outcomes of work engagement among nursing professionals—a cross-sectional studyBMC Health Services Research 22, 21.

Khanal, A.R., Mishra, A.K., Lien, G. (2022). Effects of risk attitude and risk perceptions on risk management decisions:  Evidence from farmers in an emerging economy. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 47(3), 495-512.


Uddin, G. S., Yahya, M., Bekiros, S., Jayasekera, R., & Kling, G. (2021). Systematic risk in the biopharmaceutical sector: a multiscale approachAnnals of Operations Research, 1-24.

Lai, H. P., Kumbhakar, S. C. (2021). A panel frontier system model with good and bad outputs and endogenous treatment decisionEconomics Letters198, 109649.

Lai H., Kumbhakar, S. C. (2021). Panel stochastic frontier model with endogenous inputs and correlated random componentsJournal of Business & Economic Statistics (forthcoming).

Kumbhakar, S. C., Tsionas, M. G. (2021). Dissections of input and output efficiency: A generalized stochastic frontier modelInternational Journal of Production Economics232, 107940.

Liu, H. Y., Jay, M., Chen, X. (2021). The Role of Nature-Based Solutions for Improving Environmental Quality, Health and Well-BeingSustainability13(19), 10950.

Chen, X., Schøyen, Ø. (2021). Rejecting Non-Paternalist Motivation: An Experimental Test. Journal of Experimental Political Science, 1-7.

Danelon, A.F., Spolador, H.F., Kumbhakar, S.C. (2021). Weather and population size effects on water and sewer treatment costs: Evidence from BrazilJournal of Development Economics, 102743.

Thrane, C., Uzagalieva, A., Menezes, A. (2021). A Multivariate logit for propensity to choose package tour over independent travelEconomia Internazionale/International Economics74(3), 369-388.

Sirnes, E. and Dinh, M.T.H. (2021). Tick Size and Price Reversal after Order ImbalanceInternational Journal of Financial Studies9(2), p.19.

Milford, A. B., Lien, G., Reed, M. (2021). Different sales channels for different farmers: Local and mainstream marketing of organic fruits and vegetables in NorwayJournal of Rural Studies88, 279-288.

Ewald, C., Zou, Y. (2021). Stochastic volatility: A tale of co-jumps, non-normality, GMM and high frequency dataJournal of Empirical Finance64, 37-52.

Chen, J., Ewald, C., Ouyang, R., Westgaard, S., Xiao, X. (2021).  Pricing commodity futures and determining risk premia in a three factor model with stochastic volatility: The case of Brent Crude oilAnnals of Operations Research (forthcoming).

Størdal, S., Lien, G., Trømborg, E. (2021). Impacts of infectious disease outbreaks on firm performance and risk: The forest industries during the COVID-19 pandemicJournal of Risk and Financial Management 14(7), 318.

Alnes, P.K., Malasevska, I., Mydland, Ø., Haugom, E.  (2021).  Price differentiation in the alpine skiing industry—The challenges of demand shifting and capacity constraints under pandemicsJournal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 35 (Sept), 100409 .

Haugom., E., Malasevska, I., Lien, G. (2021). The relative importance of ski resort- and weather-related characteristics when going alpine skiing: data from a rating-based conjoint surveyData in Brief 37 (August), 107252.

Mutonyi, B.R., Slåtten, T., Lien, G. (2021). Fostering innovative behaviour in health organizations: a PLS-SEM analysis of Norwegian hospital employeesBMC Health Services Research 21, 470.

Slåtten, T., Mutonyi, B.R., Lien, G. (2021). Does organizational vision really matter? An empirical examination of factors related to organizational vision integration among hospital employeesBMC Health Services Research 21, 483.

Slåtten, T., Lien, G., Evenstad, S.B.N. Onshus, T. (2021). Supportive study climate and academic performance among university students: the role of psychological capital, positive emotions and study engagementInternational Journal of Quality and Service Sciences Vol. ahead-of-print, No. ahead-of-print.

Ebersberger, B.,Herstad, S. & Nordli, A. (2021). Hospitality innovation strategies: Robustness analysis of paths to firm performanceTourism Management, 85, 104310.

Haugom, E., Malasevska, I., Alnes, P.K., & Mydland, Ø. (2021). Willingnes to pay for "green skiing"Hospitality and Tourism Managment, 47, 252-255.

Størdal, S., Lien, G., Mydland, Ø., & Haugom, E. (2021). Effects of strong and weak non-pharmaceutical interventions on stock market returns: A comparative analysis of Norway and Sweden during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemicEconomic Analysis and Policy 70, 341-350.

Ewald, C.-O., Haugom, E., Lien, G., Størdal, S., & Wu, Y. (2021). Trading Time Seasonality in Commodity Futures: An Opportunity for Arbitrage in the Natural Gas and Crude Oil Markets? (February 24, 2021 at SSRN).

Malikov, E., & Lien, G. (2021). Proxy variable estimation of multiproduct production functionsAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics103(5), 1878-1902.

Kumbhakar, S. C., & Tsionas, M. G. (2021). Estimation of costs of technical and allocative inefficiencyJournal of Productivity Analysis, 55:41–46.

Ewald, C., Zou, Y., 2021. Analytic formulas for futures and options for a linear quadratic jump diffusion model with seasonal stochastic volatility and convenience yield: Do fish jump? European Journal of Operational Research294(2), 801-815.

Kumbhakar, S. C., Li, M., Zhao, S. (2021). Estimation of technical change: Direct semi/nonparametric approachesEconomics Letters, 199, 109734.

Musau, A., Kumbhakar, S. C., Mydland, Ø., & Lien, G. (2021).  Determinants of allocative and technical inefficiency in stochastic frontier models: An analysis of Norwegian electricity distribution firmsEuropean Journal of Operational Research, 288, 983-991.

Haugom, E., Malasevska, I., & Lien, G. (2021).  Optimal pricing of alpine ski passes in the case of crowdedness and reduced skiing capacityEmpirical Economics, 61, 469-487. 


Thrane, C. (2020). Surveyeksperimentet: Et underutnyttet forskningsdesign for sosiologisk kausalanalyseNorsk Sosiologisk Tidsskrift 4(6), 324-337.

Størdal, S., Dinh, M.T.H., Haugom, E., & Lien, G. (2020). Norwegian stock market behaviour during the initial phase of the COVID-19 pandemicBeta – Scandinavian Journal of Business Research 34(2), 207-221.

Kumbhakar, S. C., & Tsionas, M. G. (2020). Dissections of input and output efficiency: A generalized stochastic frontier modelInternational Journal of Production Economics, 107940.

Lai, H. P., & Kumbhakar, S. C. (2020). A panel frontier system model with good and bad outputs and endogenous treatment decisionEconomics Letters, 109649.

Malasevska, I., Haugom, E., Hinterhuber, A., Lien, G., & Mydland, Ø. (2020).  Dynamic pricing assuming demand shifting: the alpine skiing industryJournal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 37(7), 785-803.

Haugom, E. (2020).  Essentials of Pricing Analytics: Tools and Implementation with Excel. Routledge. 290 Pages. ISBN 9780367363239

Zhang, R., Kumbhakar, S. C., & Lai, H. P. (2020). Estimation of panel model with heteroskedasticity in both idiosyncratic and individual specific errorsEconometric Reviews, 1-18.

Slåtten, T., Mutonyi, B. R., & Lien, G. (2020).  The impact of individual creativity, psychological capital, and leadership autonomy support on hospital employees’ innovative behaviourBMC Health Services Research 20(1096)

Tsionas, M. G., & Kumbhakar, S. C. (2020). Stochastic frontier models with time-varying conditional variancesEuropean Journal of Operational Research (forthcoming).

Bueie, H., Lie, J. (2020). Programmering og generalisering. Tangenten - Tidsskrift for matematikkundervisning. 12-16.

Ewald, C.-O., Haugom, E., Lien, G., Størdal, S. & Song, P. (2020). Riding the Nordic German Power-Spread: The Einar Aas Experiment. Available at SSRN 3557286.

Haugom, E.; Molnar, P. & Tysdahl, M. (2020). Determinants of the Forward Premium in the Nord Pool Electricity MarketEnergies 13(5), 1111. 

Thrane, C. & Haugom, E. (2020). Peer effects on restaurant tipping in Norway: An experimental approachJournal of Economic Behavior & Organization 176, 244-252. 

Kumbhakar, S. C., Mydland, Ø., Musau, A., & Lien, G. (2020). Disentangling costs of persistent and transient technical inefficiency and input misallocation: The case of Norwegian electricity distribution firmsEnergy Journal 41(3), 143-160.

Thrane, C. (2020). Statistisk dataanalyse. Pensum på 1-2-3. Cappelen Damm Akademisk: Oslo.

Thrane, C. (2020). Applied Regression Analysis. Doing, Interpreting and Reporting. Routledge: Abingdon, England.

Mutonyi, B.R., Slåtten, T., & Lien, G. (2020). Organizational climate and creative performance in the public sectorEuropean Business Review 32(4), 615-631.

Lavik, M., Lien, G., Korsaeth, A., & Hardaker, J. (2020). Comparison of conventional and IPM cropping systems: A risk efficiency analysisJournal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 52(3), 385-397.

Mutonyi, B.R., Slåtten, T., & Lien, G. (2020). Empowering leadership, work group cohesiveness, individual learning orientation and individual innovative behaviour in the public sector: Empirical evidence from NorwayInternational Journal of Public Leadership 16, 175-197.

Mydland, Ø. (2020).  Lost economies of scope and potential merger gains in the Norwegian electricity industryEmpirical Economics58(6), 3077-3100.

Lavik, M.S., Hardaker, J.B., Lien, G., & Berge, T.W. (2020). A multi-attribute decision analysis of pest management strategies for Norwegian crop farmersAgricultural Systems,178, 102741.

Mydland, Ø., Kumbhakar, S.C., Lien, G., Amundsveen, R., & Kvile, H.M. (2020).  Economies of scope and scale in the Norwegian electricity industryEconomic Modelling 88, 39-46.


Conferences and events


Conference in Lillehammer in honor of Gudbrand's memory 2024

Lillehammer Business Analytics Workshop 2024

Main theme: Banking and Finance

Welcome to join the first Business Analytics Workshop in Lillehammer, Norway on May 22-24, 2024. The workshop will focus on sharing and learning the latest research and real-life applications of business analytics tools and techniques in banking and finance. Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (INN) will host the workshop, 30 years after the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer 1994. The workshop will also be a celebration of our new MSc program in Business Analytics. The keynote speakers include Hélyette Geman, Bruno Dupire and Alireza Borhani.

A special issue dedicated to applications of machine learning and AI models to examine important research questions in finance will be hosted by Quantitative Finance.

The areas of interest for the workshop are within the main topic areas of business analytics in banking and finance:

  • Big Data, Machine Learning, and AI in business, banking, and Finance
    • Examples: High-frequency (trading) data, Algorithmic trading, fraud detection, credit scoring, sentiment analysis, classification, and more.
  • Business Forecasting and Risk Management
    • Examples: Business level (sales, customer demand, costs), macro level (inflation, GDP, interest rates), risk management (volatility modelling and forecasting, Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall, etc.)
  • Financial Modelling
    • Examples: Asset Management, Econometrics and Financial Mathematics, Asset price modelling, Derivatives, Operations Research in Finance, and more.

Innovative contributions related to sustainable investment and climate risk, within software development, statistical packages, and other areas relevant for improving business performance in the banking and finance sectors are also welcome. We also want to emphasize that banking and finance should be understood in a broad sense. 

Extended abstract submission

Please submit your abstract of maximum 500 words (corresponding to one page) in PDF format

Each abstract should contain:

  • Title
  • Session topic (one of the topics above)
  • Authors and their full affiliations (presenter indicated in boldface)
  • Abstract

The deadline for extended abstract submission: 10 March 2024.
Authors will be informed of the outcome of their submission by March 20.

Abstract submission are to be sent to

For more information, see our website.

Conference on Commodities

Skeikampen Ski Resort near Lillehammer March 9th/10th 2023 with ski in/out

You will find more information on this page.












Phd course:

PhD-course: Theory and Practice of Efficiency and Productivity - December 12th - December 16th 2022 in Lillehammer, Norway