Norsk versjon av denne siden
Finnur Dellsen

Finnur Dellsen

Professor II

Phone number
+47 61 28 74 78

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences
Department of Law
Campus Lillehammer

Short description

I'm Professor II at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences, Lillehammer, in addition to being full-time Professor at the University of Iceland, Reykjavík. Most of my research interests are in philosophy of science and epistemology (including formal and social epistemology), with various related interests in philosophy of logic, metaethics, and the history of philosophy. My most recent work is on scientific and philosophical progress, the social epistemology of science, and how to make explanation-based inferences.
Personal webpage:
Philpapers profile:

Research groups


Postal Address

Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences
Postboks 400 Vestad
2418 Elverum