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The philosophy research group is based at campus Lillehammer. Our work spans a wide range of areas of philosophy, including action theory, epistemology, ethics and metaethics, philosophy of language, of law, and of mind. 

Inland School of Business and Social Sciences

The research group is affiliated with the Institute for Law, Philosophy, and International Studies.

What we research

We are currently active in the following areas:

  • Action Theory
  • Aesthetics 
  • Decision Theory 
  • Epistemology
  • Metaethics 
  • Metaphilosophy
  • Normative Ethics (incl. Environmental Ethics & War Ethics)
  • Philosophy of Disability
  • Philosophy of Language
  • Philosophy of Law
  • Philosophy of Mind (incl. Philosophy of Perception)
  • Philosophy of Science
  • Political Philosophy

More about the research group

Research projects

Conferences and events